Thursday 8 November 2018


Greetings my dear friends. I would like to introduce you to a unique project. Do you already have time to invest in the project? If not, then you have the opportunity. 
A safe and transparent transaction is a future dream for all. The community has sufficient understanding of the need to protect personal data, due to a large number of cases involving the misuse of personal data for crimes and other things. And it says that the community also needs transparency to make peace in every transaction.
Smilo is a hybrid blockchain platform that guarantees transparency while protecting individual personal information. Smilo uses a blockchain technology base where it can preserve the privacy of each individual's data while maintaining full transparency of the organizations that interact with each one. Smilo identifies the need for a hybrid blockchain platform. Give this public entity the right tools.
Smilo offers every user a heartfelt service, so it's called a hybrid blockchain platform with certain, because:
Full features 
Can facilitate hybrid transactions, hybrid smart contracts and hybrid distributed applications - with "hybrids" that 
pertain to both public and private SMILO BENEFITS 
Smilo uses Byzantine Fault Tolerance Plus (BFT +), BFT is the same as Proof of Participation (PoS) faster and more efficient, but both were not perfect. The standard Bft and PoS mechanism is not the safest consensus mechanism. In addition, Smilo has improved the standard BFT mechanism by creating a unique Smilo Bft + consensus mechanism. The mechanism is completely safe, measurable, fast and sustainable transactions. So having this smilo has many benefits including:
Transparent: Users can monitor transactions more transparently by using this technology 
Anti-corruption: with transparency, it can 
minimize or even eliminate file of corruption in any transaction Sustainable: Green blockchain platform via Smilo Bft + protocol. 
Data protection: through intelligent contracts and hybrid transactions 
Secure: smilos BFT + offers better security than the previous mechanism. 
Fast and Scalable: this platform will be 100 times faster than ethereum or other platforms 
Affordable: Smilo offers transactions at a much cheaper rate
Some examples of smilo-platform use cases are:
Smilo allows a safe and private choice or referendum, exclusion after election influence. 
donations easier and ensure that anonymous donors ensure that money is spent in a respectable manner. 
Individual medical records are owned and managed by themselves and shared with medical institutions and insurance upon request. 
There are two types of tokens that move the network on this platform:
Smilo (symbol abbreviated: XSM): generated by The Smilodon block - the first block of the blockchain, is a representation of the user held stock, 
SmiloPay (symbol abbreviated: XSP): generates each block after the Smilodon block, is a medium for To pay the Smilo network service and maintenance 
With Smilo token owners have rights to receive dividends in the form of smilopay tokens.
This token represents the ability of the user to influence the development of the Smilo network. The more smilo tokens you have, the more influence you will have on the development of the Smilo ecosystem.
Smilo-token owners have the following permissions:
Receive SmiloPay 
vote for changes in network parameters 
Change the cost price of Tx 
Change the price of implementing a smart contract 
Change the cost price of implementing a smart contract 
Each block of Smilo blockchain produces twenty SmiloPay tokens, which are among Smilo-holders be distributed. The number of SmiloPay pro block will slowly decrease, since there are only 200 million smilopay tokens, 
SmiloPay German
SmiloPay tokens are used to pay for Smilo network services and maintenance fees. Used as a service fee for registering or changing assets. This service charge will then be proportionally distributed to all Smilo owners, which means that SmiloPay will be distributed through the system.
First, there are no direct transaction fees to use the network and all token holders receive a maximum amount of SmiloPay per block. SmiloPay tokens will be generated with each new block made to the equivalent of the total number of Smilo tokens circulated to 200 million. Each block can produce 20 Smilopay, and this token is distributed proportionally between Smilo owners. And after the first millions of Smilo blocks have been generated, SmiloPay prices will drop a little. After the smilopay-token stamp reaches 200 million, the blocks stop producing SmiloPay tokens. This is intended to keep transaction costs low in order to drive more Smilo users, which in turn leads to more registered assets and transactions, thus increasing costs for the node.
Thank you for your interest in our Similar Platform and your inquiry about the available investment opportunities.
Our private sale with a variable bonus scheme is defined by the time of entry, the vesting period and the planned investment. Reason for this variable is to motivate our early investors to opt for our trip for a long period of time (vesting period), also to pump and landfill and other tactics that could damage the stability of Smilo to all our interests, and then finally to reward you for your level of investment. This combination results in a bonus that matches your specific requirements.
In addition, to protect our investors from significant trade volatility, we have decided to gradually release your tokens, which will spread evenly over your chosen harvest period. From the start of our main network until the end of your harvest period, we will release a proportional percentage of your Smilo and SmiloPay every week. 
The project we are working on is very complex and requires external resources. Releasing a token that has no connection to the actual platform would only fuel groundless speculation. Therefore, the best option is to make all Smilo tokens non - transferrable until mainet.
We will work with globally recognized SAFT agreements in the private sale process. Therefore, after the market launch of our mainnet in the second quarter of next year, we will conduct our public sale and release Smilo directly to the public. The public sale is planned to actively involve our community in our cause and to recognize you for your interest in the Smilo platform.
Max cap for the private phase is 13.6 M USD. Upon reaching the target, we will continue with a public sale of $ 4.4 million to achieve our targeted total financing of $ 18 million. Our softcap is 2.5 MIO. To assure our early investors, please note that we will return all investments in full, should the softcap not be reached.
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=1795848

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