Monday 17 September 2018

SportsCastr-Backed FanChain- Cryptocurrency for the Global Sports

My dear reader. So the weekend is approaching , which means that for you I have prepared promising reviews.FanChain aims to create a decentralized global sports Entertainment Ecosystem that uses unique token platforms to stimulate and stimulate active participation, content production and Ecosystem growth. With the SportsCastr broadcast platform in real-time, FanChain Token commentators can be paid for, which broadcast their own individual comments to choose their own Amateur base, which gives consumers the choice of television their favorite commentator.
As a symbol of FanChain is the fuel that drives the digital economy, and the SportsCastr user program rewards the participant, SportsCastr will act as a powerful addition to new supporters of the fanchain Token. SportsCastr offers incentives and rewards to its users-both creators and viewers - through a two-currency system. This two-way system includes a currency in the Tix app that simulates the common currency used in social games (like Farmville, clash of clans) and a fanchain token that creates a token on the Astraleum block Chain.
Users can purchase " Tix " via IAP via Apple's iTunes App Store and Google Play Store (if SportsCastr for Android comes out). Users can perform their Tix at the digital sports level (phase I) as well as in subscription channels and PPV events (phase II). At any time the owner of the fanchain token the fanchain token is transferred to the SportsCastr platform you can redeem through Tix through the built-in FanWallet.
Sam SportsCastr also reward the most involved and guides the user Through the pool's fanchain markers, based on the consistency and quality of their contribution to the SportsCastr community. Other elements of the game, including rankings and monthly rewards, allow authors and viewers to participate in and contribute to the community.
All users of the SportsCastr platform will face an easy to use and very secure FanWallet user interface. The wallet allows users to Send and Receive FanChain tokens, Convert FanChain tokens to Tix, and Track in-app revenue and purchases. Phase I in the field of digital control products SportsCastr will allow viewers to reward channels with digital tips in the form of amedian and brands labels. Fans can use this digital element to try their favorite Users through broadcasting after they have received a response. Viewers who send the most valuable Product to the digital rating of broadcast fans have gained popularity and paid attention to their own stream (which is about $ 6 million per quarter of digital purchases are now presented side by side, starting from the second quarter of 2017)
SportsCastr's crypto-economic model is designed to grow and support a thriving FanChain ecosystem. This is achieved through maintaining a Community Growth Pool and by offering partners incentives to utilize SportsCastr (and Mints) using the "Partner Incentive Pool."
What is CGP?
CGP stands for Community Growth Pool
Some tokens (10%) will be available for the community set. Community Growth Pool will facilitate early adoption of SportsCastr token, Mints and FanChain. CGP will be released at 33% per year and will be fully distributed for the third year. CGP distribution is intended to provide incentives for content producers and users involved. Most CGP will be distributed with the help of the victim, incentives for users and competition in the community. Initially, the algorithmic section will be calculated daily based on the SportsCastr CGP reward algorithm.
f (x) = total user activity / activity * every daily pool
CGP The result is that initial users - content producers and content consumers - receive FanChain tokens regardless of whether they are digital goods or attract premium customers to your channel. When other Mints join the FanChain ecosystem in the first three (3) years, the algorithm and prize can be configured to use cases from different platforms.
What is PIP?
PIP means Part Part Incentive
Part of the FanChain token (10%), which will be stored in the partner incentive pool. The purpose of PIP - ensuring ICO success, to maintain the token's health and the rewards of key partners, including teams, leagues, and copyright holders, and media companies using SportsCastr, to Mint, to offer payment to FanChain token holders and integrate into FanChain ecosystems. PIP will be fully distributed by the end of the third year. At the end of the third year, any remaining tokens in the PIP will be transferred to CGP. Examples of PIP use include:
• Secure marketing, public relations, and community partner management during the ICO phase.
• Get live sporting events by SportsCastr (available for viewing using TIX or FanChain markers)
• Provide incentives for large partners to get FanChain, become Mint, or integrate FanPay
• Promote the use of the SportsCastr SDK into an OTT partner platform
• Provide development of third-party FanChain software to improve ecosystems
• Attractive Influencers (athletes, celebrities) to use SportsCast and generate viewers FanChain bookmarks
• Provide sponsorship to promote and market SportsCastr and FanChain
• List of FanChain Effects
• Create premium content.
• Offer rewards to FanChain token holders in FanPrizes.
TOKEN TYPE: ERC20 with ERC721-style characteristics
MAXIMUM TOKENS SOLD TO PUBLIC: 330MM (Including private and pre-sales)
CGP: 60MM Distributed Over 3 Years
PIP: 60MM Distributed Over 3 Years
BOUNTIES: 18MM Distributed Over 3 Years
COMPANY RESERVES: 120MM (Includes founders, team, advisors and future hires)
Detailed information:
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=1795848
Eth wallet address:0x2e0aE95a7871c8A38A513981904410d07DD96231 

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