Wednesday 26 September 2018

Overview of the project Papusha Rocket Technology. Space technology to protect the environment.

Absolutely all the countries of the world that have refineries have the same problem that can not be solved. We are talking about the utilization of waste through refining, as well as their storage. When processing the current heavy grades of oil, the share of waste reaches a high level, at the level of ten to twenty percent. All these waste products cause great harm to the environment. There is a project that can change this.

About the project:

Papusha Rocket Technology is the world's first rocket and space technology. It is necessary for obtaining fuel from oil refinery waste from a developer who created the Energia-Buran program of the academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Papushi AI. This is the newest technology for the destruction of waste refineries throughout the world. Instead of "killing" flora and fauna, refineries will receive diesel fuel and gasoline, which will go on sale.
The technology of transonic combustion, which was developed by Papusha AI. in order to eliminate super toxic waste has found its application in the field of oil refining. Only thanks to the fact that there were little improvements, the innovative installation began to do previously impossible, namely, from wastes that practically were not used to produce such sought after products as kerosene, gasoline, diesel fuel and quite valuable synthetic oil.
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The main advantages of the PRT installation are:

  • Safety equipment
  • Compact dimensions
  • The low price of creation, and also operation
  • Great efficiency and quick payback period
  • Multifunctionality and autonomy
The main task of the project is the processing of hazardous wastes from oil refineries due to the demand from large investors. Nevertheless, the possibilities of the technological processes of transonic combustion and PRT-2 installations formed on its base are much wider and will require minor improvements in the adjusted production. On the whole planet there is a colossal number of poisonous wastes, which cause damage to the environment. And in connection with the lack of processing technology are simply stored. At Papusha Rocket Technology there is such possibility to process the given waste - therefore for this purpose it was originally created. The large surface of the Earth can be preserved from the bad influence of toxic waste.

How does it work:

1. During the processing of oil, a huge amount of waste is formed, which can not be used in the future and they are considered dangerous for the ecology of the whole Earth. Oil refineries pour waste into specialized tanks or so-called "storage ponds", creating great harm to the outside world and depriving themselves of possible profits from their processing.
2. The small-size processing plant PRT-2 uses the contents of similar ponds as a raw material. The processing of oil waste occurs at a high temperature (more than one thousand oC) at transonic speeds (~ 1,000 m / sec) with the addition of specialized impurities. In such cases, the processed elements undergo radical physicochemical changes, most of which are converted to synthetic gas. Then the substance enters the cooling block, where the positive product (kerosene, fuel (gasoline), oil, etc.) is synthesized, despite the fact that safe water vapor and carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere.
3. The fact that they received an ecologically clean method, important raw materials are accumulated in specialized tanks, ready for further transportation and sale.

ICO Details:

Token: PRT 
Platform: Ethereum 
Standard: ERC20 
Quantity: 100,000,000 PRT 
Price: 1 ETH = 3,500 PRT 
Payment: ETH 
Quantity: 75,000,000 PRT
Start of the ICO: 07/25/2018 
Completion: 09/25/2018

Road map:

Q1 2018 - Preparation for the ICO. Creation of team, registration of technical documentation. Development of a smart contract and a token economy. 
Q2 2018 - The launch of the ICO. Marketing campaign. Carrying out a round of private sales. 
Q3 2018 - ICO Papusha Rocket Technology. The output of the PRT token on the stock exchange. Development of operational documentation. 
4th quarter 2018 - Manufacturing and purchase of necessary equipment and components. Create and configure the first installation of PRT-2-30. Certification, obtaining technical specifications for connection. 
2019 - Launch of the serial production of PRT-2 units, the first sales. Development of modules for the processing of brown coal. Work to refine and introduce a gas generator that provides cheap electricity for mining.


I consider this project quite promising. Installation PRT can not only improve the state of the environment on Earth, but also recycle oil waste in valuable resources. I advise you to pay attention to it.

More about the project:

Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=1795848
Eth wallet address:0x2e0aE95a7871c8A38A513981904410d07DD96231 

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