Saturday 15 September 2018


In this thread, talk about all the known email newsletters. Everyone knows this system and everyone faced it when registering on various sites. It is one of the main functions of interaction with a large audience of buyers / users. As soon as our mail gets into any database - we begin to receive a lot of low-quality and unnecessary letters to us with unknown offers, attachments and even viruses. Now any mailing is associated with spam and dirt, which clog our mailboxes. But the company Emmares intends to change the vision of this market and make it more pure and interesting.
EMMARES is a company that develops a smart mailing system for users' e-mails. It will use content assessment tools to determine its quality and audience interest. This is beneficial to senders, they receive direct feedback from the audience on their marketing program. Thus, they can monitor and increase the effectiveness of their actions, which undoubtedly leads to a decrease in the cost of the marketing company in the distribution and increase in lodogeneration. It is also beneficial to the recipient, they can earn money by estimating the incoming content. 
Simply put, this works like this: senders contribute money to the reward pool to get the target audience they want, and recipients earn tokens that they receive from that pool.  
Short video presentation of the process:
The company states: "We want to start a new age of marketing e-mailing letters and make a world in which there is no spam." I am very bribed by such statements, because I'm really tired of getting garbage on my mail. If we really become a part of the new world of email marketing, where everyone gets just content that interests him, and email marketers get a higher return on their mailing companies, it will be great, because we can only subscribe to interesting good designed content.
There is a peculiarity: for the evaluation of content, a limited fund of awards is defined, which is created and distributed among the recipients of the content thanks to the block and smart contracts. The user has a motivation not to postpone the evaluation, because otherwise he may not have enough time or tokens for his actions.  
The demand for EMMARES tokens (EMA) will increase with the number of users of the platform. Recipients of content can sell their earned tokens to marketers or investors on exchanges.
The project received high scores among a large number of ICO review and evaluation services: 
The team consists of highly qualified professionals with extensive experience in IT areas such as networks, security, email marketing, tracking deliveries, web application development and CRM systems, design and others.
The basic structure of the team:

I believe that "black" customer bases will soon leave the market because they are not highly specialized and inefficient. In today's world, buying an unknown customer base and hoping for luck and a wonderful percentage of feedback is not professional. The modern world is a world of calculations, statistics, A / V testing and actions aimed at increasing the conversion in any process. That's why I consider this project relevant. He carries a fresh look at the long-stagnant market. 

Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=1795848

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