Saturday 15 September 2018


Hasil gambar untuk hadiah emmares


When we look at modern marketing methods, proving email marketing is very effective. ROI on an organization's effort to be as high as 3800%, or $ 38 for every dollar spent. Consider that 77% ROI comes from segmented, targeted, and triggered campaigns. Position the above email marketing. But the reach of email marketing goes far beyond ROI, as we can see by evaluating the statistics of various organizations. The process of collecting email addresses can vary from very basic where email marketers use simple methods to collect their contact lists

A very sophisticated method to attract new customers. If a marketer buys a list of contacts, that is definitely the wrong way to build a business. This produces unsolicited mail, which is not only prohibited but generates massive emails sent to people who do not want that information. Recipients face major problems with spam. Solving this problem is one of the toughest problems in IT. Even today, we have no effective way of eliminating irrelevant big waves

content. The most common way to collect simple mailing lists is through the use of public directories. This is not a good choice for collecting a target list and usually, the ROI of that email campaign is very low.

For good email marketing results, proper targeting and segmentation is very important because it isolates only those recipients who may be interested

content. Both B2B and B2C, up to 82% of companies use email marketing as their own preferred method of communication with customers. Marketing automation helps them to prepare and automate the customer's maintenance process they are told. 95% of companies that use automation marketing also take advantage of email marketing.


EMMARES is connecting high-quality email content to interested recipients. Encouraging better quality content, lower frequency, and fair content evaluation, EMMARES presents new value, expands the audience for email marketers and a bit of spam with just the desired content for the recipient. EMMARES - Email Marketing Rewarding System is a very lucrative evaluation system from email marketers ( senders ) as well as email recipients ( all email users ).


Email marketing is used more than other digital marketing channels, but the impact is not like that. This is due to the fact that so much content used in email marketing is incredibly low quality. Customers want information that email marketers have to offer but they will not receive low quality information. Using smart services offered by EMMARES, users will be able to get marketing content emails up to their standards and tailored for them based on their gender and territory. Our mission is to make the major role in uncovering the dynamic possibilities of content evaluation and smart delivery systems.

  • We envision a world in which email marketing content is of a higher caliber. With our services, email marketers will be encouraging to consistently produce better content over time. Trusted evaluations will help all of us to minimize spam.
  • EMMARES is going to start a new golden age of email marketing. We want email marketing to represent trust and quality in people's minds.
How does it work

Email marketers

By signing up for an EMMARES system, MARKETING emails get a chance to reach more targeted customers who are interested in their content. Because they send EMMARES system to expand their reach and work towards better outcomes and higher ROI. They invest in a useful pool, which is the basis for rewarding EMMARES users (recipients of email ), who evaluate their content.

Email recipient

In return for evaluating the content they receive from various email marketers ( senders ), recipients get tokens from prize pools. For each assessment, email recipients ( users ) receive tokens from email marketers whose content is evaluated.


In February 2017, the Radicati has been replaced by traditional and landline letters. Group estimated the number of emails to 3.7 billion and the number of emails per per cent was about 269 billion. The number of email accounts is 2.4 million emails sent every second and about 74 trillion emails sent every year.

By 2015, the Radicati Group's estimate is 205 billion emails per day. That number will just keep getting bigger. ( - by Heinz Tschabitscher ) Sending emails faster and more convenient than ever before. As shown in the statistics collected by, suspension of value emails for senders and recipients. However, there is a big difference. between high quality and low quality email.

We envision a world where email marketing content is highly relevant. With our services, email marketers and anti-spam providers will be able to produce better content and they will be rewarded for it. EMMARES is about to usher in a new golden era of email marketing. We want marketing emails to represent trust and quality in the minds of people.


EMMARES has the potential to disrupt the digital ad market by providing excellent investment returns, much more important than traditional online advertising. As the first service of its kind, EMMARES provides a new approach to online advertising through email channels and provides a new dimension to email marketing.

Enriching the quality of contact lists and generating new leads and traffic is the most frequently mentioned marketing objective. Providers spend most of their budget in this arena in the hope of achieving that goal. The most common way we are today is through web advertising. There are many different techniques to increase engagement, to build constant contact and communication with potential customers. Classic web ads are used to collect email addresses and get permissions to send content via email. Statistics and forecasts suggest that Google generates more than $ 19 billion dollars in advertising. The conversion rate through these channels is much higher than through traditional channels and varies across sectors.

Through evolution, marketing evolved from classic marketing communications tools and advertising methods to digital. This changed the core concept of marketing. The importance of fading classic TV and media and, with targeted budgets and e-campaigns, e-marketers can now achieve better and more measurable results. At this time, everyone can calculate the cost per new lead or cost per click on their website and see the conversion rate.

Email marketers use innovative techniques to measure and improve processes through the presence web. A / B testing, the technique of maximizing marketing or automation engagement is the most common.

But Email remains the only area of ​​the web presence, where results can not be achieved in an easy way just by paying for added digital. Getting targeted new customers is still one of the most important goals, because targeted customers mean better conversions.

Currently, with the possibility of surprising blockchain technology, we can introduce EMMARES smart service, which brings together information sources with consumer information. This results in a higher ROI and clearly targeted prospects. We hope that the revenue provided for web advertising will result in ROI.

Who benefits from EMMARES

Email marketers - Publishers

Our unique, transparent model is based on encouraging publishers to send good, interesting and relevant content. As a Publisher you are collecting reviews from your leads and from your targeted audience in return for tokens from your rewarding pool. As a result you are :
  • building your reputation as a quality Email marketer,
  • getting access to new, exactly targeted recipients who are interested in your type of service / topic / product,
  • enhancing recipients engagement.

Token buyers

By purchasing EMMARES tokens, you are securing significant privileges as a ( presale ) token holder as well as supporting a new, expanding project with huge potential. You get to be par t of a system, which represents the future of

Email marketing world where everyone gets only the content they are interested in and Email marketers get higher ROI.

Mailing recipients - Evaluators

As a participant in EMMARES community, you get tokens in return for evaluating the Email content you receive. It is that simple. You also get the highest scored email marketers. How can you use the tokens you collect :
  • Exchange tokens with marketers or
  • use them for your own rewarding pool ( If you are a Publisher as well as Evaluator ).
Emmares Stage 1
  • Quality assessment system with incentives for contributors
  • Gender / region and quality information
  • EMA Token to access ESP services, rewarding the budget
  • EMA Token as a reward for assessing emails received
  • EMA Token on the exchange
Emmares Stage 2

  • I can choose - only for certain senders
  • I have to unsubscribe manually if the quality decreases
  • I have to find a source
  • Email Marketers must have the mailing lists sorted by marketing campaigns
  • Email lists are static and only expanded by new opt-ins through campaigns and other marketing communication tools
  • Static receiver / sender connections
  • I can choose what, more importantly, to QUALITY information
  • Unsubscribe if quality decreases
  • I just need to know which info to know the sender or not
  • The email list is dynamic. Marketers only need to maintain high-level quality and categorize information by type
  • Dynamic sender / receiver connection

Distribution Tokens
  • Pre-ICO: 01-15.03.2018
  • ICO: 19.03-19.04.2018
  • EMA Course: 1 EMA = $ 0.12
  • Total token: 500,000,000
  • Minimum target: $ 2 million
  • Final target: $ 22.5 million
  • Pre-ICO + 20%
  • First day of ICO + 10%
  • First week of ICO + 5%
Distribution Tokens
  • 51% - ICO
  • 23% - stimulate creation of new account
  • 17% - for founders and teams
  • 5% - for strategic partners in the future, ambassadors, advisers
  • 3% for initial investors
  • 1% - Bounty
Distribution of funds
  • 30% - development
  • 25% - server location
  • 20% - Marketing
  • 15% - operational costs
  • 10% - legal fees
List of ICO



Bojan Oremuž - CEO and founder

He has become a businessman most of his life. He graduated from Ljubljana University in 1985. He and his company have been recognized many times, especially with the European 1st Prize nomination for NetworksDefender. He served on the government's IT board and as President of IT cluster Ealiansa. He has successfully overseen projects in infrastructure, networking, security, tracking and e-mail marketing. He specializes in leadership and strategy.

Denis Orešnik - Cofounder and developer

He is a senior web and application developer with several years building applications for leading companies, including his own framework and CRM system for financial consulting firms. He currently spends most of his time working on the Ethereum blockchain platform and researching the trading system.

Tadej Oremuž - Cofounder and developers

Tadej is a software developer who has helped develop several successful projects in recent years. He is an Emmares co-funder and an important member of the team because of his knowledge of marketing and software development. The main focus areas are solidity and d-apps. With his knowledge, he also participated as an adviser at startup Slovenia and other successful projects.

Jure Tovrljan - Cofounder and Creative design & advertising

Jure Tovrljan is a brand identity specialist and innovator who currently works as creative director at award-winning advertising agencies. With the "change the world, little by little" approach he has won several domestic and international awards for design and communication.

Taja Oremuž - Cofounder and Graphic design and marketing

Taja is a CEO of a marketing agency and with a Master's degree in marketing (FELU Slovenia and IESEG, Paris), she currently works in digital marketing, web and graphic design and digital marketing strategies. At EMMARES he is also a member of the bounty program team and customer service.

Dejan Plavše - Developer

Dejan is an IT professional with a bachelor's degree in computer science and 8+ years of work experience in various IT fields. He currently focuses on digital sales and marketing, mostly on Email marketing. He also works as a Consultant, Copywriter and Brand Manager, helping clients to take their business to the next level. When it comes to general Web presence, E-commerce or digital sales & marketing, he is a person who likes to seek advice and solutions. His extensive knowledge combined with his passion for Blockchain and IT in general makes it a valuable asset to what the EMMARES team wants to accomplish.

Krištof Gajšek - Developer full heap

Krištof is a full-fledged senior developer with experience in various projects, including FADN - European reporting system and MailRocker Email marketing platform.

Matic Korošec - junior developers

Matic is a junior Full Stack Developer who has worked in various environments across the industry. He has acquired over 7 years of development experience. Currently he is developing the MailRocker e-marketing application, among other projects. He specializes in the integration of software systems and angularjs.

Janez Sevčnikar - Bounty Manager

Jani has been managing director of a company that supports telecommunication technology for 12 years and is an ISO9001 certified internal auditor. Prior to that, he was a technical manager for IT companies working on IT project management, planning and implementation (LAN, WAN, data center, security, hotel automation, ..), and is a certified professional in various specialties to lead IT principals .


Primož Škruba - Security

Years of experience in IT project planning, management, and implementation. His experiences include: IP telephony and IPTV interactive engineer engineers, open source operating systems and system administrator security solutions, security solutions and firewall design based on open source software, LAN networks and WAN infrastructure projects that are in the planning, preparation of comprehensive product plans, systems IT and infrastructure technology project management.

Žiga Palir - System engineer

Žiga has many years experience in the field of planning, management, and implementation of IT projects for Microsoft operating system, Database and communication as a specialist engineer, open source operating system and system administrator security solutions, system planning and implementation for daily backups of important data on premise or off premise location, design and implementation of data center with HP server and infrastructure equipment ( network, data warehouse, blade server system, virtualization ), implementation and improvement of virtualization technology ( VMware, MS Hyper-V and open source ), project network LAN and WAN infrastructure that plans implementation, IT project management technology systems and infrastructure.


Aleksander Vidmar

Duta BitNation and President of green community development brand manager He is also assistant director at ESA's marketing agency

Roman Pušnik

Roman is a mobile game developer, social media expert, and powerful Cryptocurrency and Blockchain technology. He ensures our Customer Service is always right and fast.

Ivan Jelic

Vice CEO who has 6 years experience in the pharmaceutical industry and nearly 3 years in blockchain and cryptocurrency technology. Skilled in Crypto trading, Blockchain technology, HR, recruitment, Finance, Sales, Management, and HODLing.


David Drake

David is the Chairman of LDJ Capital, a multi-family office; Victoria Partners, a network of 300 London family offices; LDJ Real Estate Group and Drake Hospitality Group; and Soho Loft Media Group with Victoria Global Communications, Times Impact Publications, and The Soho Loft Conferences division. Drake has been involved in TMT ( technology, media, telecommunications ), realty, hospitality, clean technology, energy and social impact investments for over 20 years.

Ilya Anikin - Investment Advisor

Ilya conducts complicated investment transactions in amounts ranging from $ 1 million to $ 30 million. His work includes cost optimization and revenue maintenance as high as possible, development of corporate strategy and subsequent implementation

Giuseppe Gori - Counselor, area Toronto, ON, Canada

Founder of next generation blockchain Gorbyte, Scientist and CEO. "The new Crypto-network generation, such as Gorbyte, will support commonly distributed blockchain applications ( GApps ) .Yourbyte allows each user device to participate as a full node in maintaining blockchain and in the"

Janko Cajhen - CEO of Sicom, Ex. Comtrade CEO, HermesSoftlab

Work Experience: Comtrade CEO, HermesSoftlab In the past he worked at Microsoft, where he was responsible for Microsoft's business development towards new marketing approaches and solutions for Central and Eastern Europe in the past two years. Prior to that, he was responsible for a number of international projects, including leading the development of business models for partners in Central and Eastern European markets as well as regional marketing of Microsoft products and services.

Dushan Spalevich

Dushan is an ICO expert, a promising adviser for ICO, and founder and host of the ICO TV video channel, which is specialized in interviews with ICO founders and executives. In 2004, Dushan established and manages a start-up project in Russia, which has managed to become one of the largest In-door advertising operators with more than 250 employees and 18 subsidiaries in the largest cities of Russia.

Tanja Skaza - CEO of Skaza - Smart Plastics

The renowned and influential business leader, won several awards, among others: Young Manager 2014, Femme Fatale 2014, Skaza - Regional Gazelle 2016, Euromanager and more. He specializes in leadership and marketing.

Peter Merc, Ph.D. - Legal advisor

Lemur Founder Law, Blockchain Think Tank Lead Coordinator, Digital Attorney, Economic Sharing, and Blockchain Enthusiast

Nina Kranjec - Legal Counsel

Co-Founder Lemur Legal Ex. Outfit7 legal counsel

Nejc Urankar - Legal Counsel


For more information, please visit the EMMARES Media and Social website below :
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=1795848

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