Sunday 26 August 2018


The blockchain community puts forward the ideas of use of this technology to areas of activity of people again. For today already very large number of projects as in advance failure is created and those who shows promises. Today's project just from such those who seeks to take a top position in the niche.
Not so long ago in the USA in the majority of states the law on cannabis legalization has been adopted after that some countries have also approved use of this substance. Actually use of cannabis in the medical purposes very good practice from a migraine toyzha practically doesn't save any means (doctors can't understand why) whereas cannabis is capable to reduce for a while a headache or in general to appease. The world companies on production of this substance which legally work sell the production in drugstores and from there already on doctor's instructions the drugstore sells to patients. But there is also such who just forges recipes thereby illegally uses chance of recovery of that to whom it it is really necessary in the long term if the state sees that too many abuses of this function are used it can cover this "shop".
What is offered by the JIBBIT company?
This wonderful project intends to make the platform on a blockchain to facilitate purchase and delivery of cannabis of subjects to whom he is really necessary.
Let's consider advantages of such platform on technology a blockchain:
Decentralization. Nobody will be able to forge data on the recipe
Work simplification to suppliers
Simplification to clients of purchases of goods
The JIBBIT project intends to make three main subjects:
Jibbit Marketplace – creation of shop for the enterprises of level of the world market of cannabis which offer production to end users
Jibbit Runner – purchases of cannabis in the USA in the area that could deliver lawful cannabis for clients.
Jibbit Doc – the platform for druggists, doctors and medical insurance.
Also on the platform support for the help both to clients and producers will be realized online.
About ICO
Preliminary sales will begin from June 1st to June 31, 2018.
The main sales begin from August 1st to August 31st.
The price is established in such order 20 JIB = to $1.
The bonus during sales will make up to 35%.
In total 700 million tokens (their quantity won't be added) will be created, from them 420 million will be available to purchase.
The list of cryptocurrencies which you can learn here will be available to purchase.
The minimum sum of investment will be $100
Creators of this startup very much are suitable for the project, having wide experience in this sphere they will be able to affect significantly the fate of the idea to the best.
Here I list not all members of the team, you will be able to study the complete list here.
Herman Kutzer – PR the manager. The chief financial journalist in Germany since 1969. Has extensive experience in the sphere of finance and also good communications with many top traders and financiers.
Christian Winkens – Chief technologist. Specializes in assessment of data of the sensor, off-line control by cars and also in profound training. The web of portals has experience in creation and also the blockchain has 3-year-old experience in the sphere.
Alexander Preis – Main business developer. Is a cofounder of this project and the cryptoenthusiast. Has experience on financial wounds more than 10 years. More than 4 years works in the sphere of blockchain.
The project which brings real benefit moreover and on technology a blockchain deserves special attention. Strong team with high quality experts, and the idea necessary to this world is what will help the project to take top places in the nearest future.
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=1795848

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