Tuesday 21 August 2018

Coolomat Blockchain Market

The global food market, one of the largest consumer markets, is expected to reach $ 11 trillion in 2021. It is currently experiencing some of the most dramatic changes in history, in part because of internal factors such as changes in consumer behavior and new producers. market, and partly because of external factors such as technology, which paves the way for new and innovative models.
project Coolomat Commercialize the e-commerce sector online through an innovative approach connecting customers and producers, large and small, to a new innovative online platform using blockchain technology and open source software. A great "game changer" is the connection to physical click and collect point collection devices - Coolomats. Our devices present the first and only global network of this type.
For end-users, this will result in a greener and healthier food supply at a lower price, and better margins for the farmer or producer (supplier) compared to the model of cooperation with major retail chains. Our goal is to provide producers with a real alternative to big chains - by guaranteeing sales in large quantities and decent margins.
A market that will change the current grocery store ecosystem, built on a new paradigm of online grocery sales.

Looks like Mission Impossible?
Consider what Amazon has done for books or electronic distribution online. We want to exploit a trillion dollar market not yet developed.
With blockchain technology behind the ecosystem will be built on transparency, trust and decentralization. It is time to open this opportunity for customers and producers in the food sector.
How it works
  • For consumers
  • Fresh, healthier and locally produced foods
  • Food from different producers in one place
  • Lower grocery prices
  • Convenient delivery and collection on Coolomats
  • Payment with CMK token, cryptocurrencies or fiat currency (automatic CMK token conversion)
  • Attractive sales promotions
  • Receive CMK tokens to leave feedback on the buying experience

For suppliers
  • Direct access to end consumers
  • Affordable online sales platform
  • Acquiring new loyal customers
  • Can determine selling prices
  • Can create attractive sales promotions
  • May ask for reliable advice from verified buyers
  • Delivery in one place (Coolomat) 24/7, serving many customers and reducing logistics costs.
Future developments
  • Integration of unidirectional and bidirectional cryptocurrencies with hundreds of click points and Coolomat collection.
  • Separate security chip for investment in expansion of Coolomat network collection points with benefit sharing for investors.

Read more:
Bitcointalk Profile Link:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1795848
Ethereum Address:0x2e0aE95a7871c8A38A513981904410d07DD96231 

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