Saturday 7 July 2018

HIRIGO A decentralized car sharing platform

Good day all I will be discussing about HIREGO
do not hesitate to join with HIREGO because hirego will bring you to succeed, let's see explanation HIRIGO. you can also visit the official website as follows,   here also there is bonus up to 35%


HireGo is the default setting, being the first to create a DApp car that works on Ethereum testnet.

Car sharing offers the convenience and freedom of car ownership without costing expensive purchases and maintenance.

HireGo's decentralized app will make car rentals and sharing more accessible, secure and convenient than ever.


The decline in traditional car ownership has begun as more people turn to sharing cars.

Increasing car purchases and maintenance costs, worsening traffic and pollution, and lack of parking spaces are important factors for the continuation of this trend.

By decentralizing the distribution of cars, we make them more accessible, safe and comfortable than ever.

do you know, if HIRIGO has an application that will soon be released.

The HireGo app, soon to be released for iOS, Android, and the Web will allow users with little or no knowledge of blockchain technology to access HireGo rental platforms easily and start enrolling vehicles or finding available cars for hire.

HGO tokens and smart contracts will be used for all transactions. Users can convert from and to other currencies in the app.

Users will be able to access the HireGo platform from anywhere in the world.

For more information on apps and smart contracts see our white paper.

Our beta dapp is available at Rinkeby in demo.hir$io

why should HIRIGO?


Using a blockchain-based user identity solution provides assurance that the users of the platform are genuine and trustworthy. Reviews and comments made by users will also be stored in blockchain, creating an irrefutable record of user behavior.


HireGo allows people and businesses to create communities within the app so they can decide who to share their cars with

Smart Contract

The use of smart contracts, contract codes running on the Ethereum network eliminate the need for intermediaries and allow users to perform untrusted transactions

IoT Ready

When the car becomes the future version of the next version of HireGo contract, it allows physical access to the vehicle is governed by the possession of the required tokens.

following   Characteristics and distribution of tokens 

Shortly after that we will register HireGo on some crypto currency exchanges. More details will be announced in the near future

below is srangkayan road map 
Q4 2017

Q1 2018

Q2 2018
The launch of the crowdsale Token HGo (ICO) and listed on the crypto currency exchange

Q3 2018
The first beta delivery of HireGo iOS app

Q4 2018
HireGo app submission for Android, providing custom incentives for early users

Q1 2019
Submit a HireGo web app

Q2 2019
Provide API to allow other apps to use HireGo token

Q3 2019
The beta release of the HireGo car sharing platform

Q4 2019
IoT device integration for smart car contracts that allows car sharing (beta)

Do not forget to visit HIRIGO's official website, and get a new berite on social media. and you can find info about the team on the website
Bitcointalk URL:;u=1795848

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