Sunday 10 June 2018

Plentix — Referral platforms that give developers flexibility

Plentix is a blockchain-based project aiming to tokenize the referral economy and spread rewards to all participants. Merchants, users, friends, even app developers may receive awards in the form of discounts or Plentix tokens. The option of going for an ICO instead of traditional seed and series A funding through venture capital allows for community participation and an opportunity for everyone to reap the benefits of a global referral economy.
the marketing and communications industry flourished given the billions of
dollars spent on business advertisements and promotion. In recent years, the
marketing and communications industry unknowingly woke up to a massive
opportunity for a simple and organic way to promote businesses
Youtube Review:
PLENTIX is one of the breakthrough blockchain technologies used in the present. PLENTIX takes part in the global internet and blockchain system, and has invested millions of dollars. Wow! the number is quite fantastic considering PLENTIX is a new program for the implementation of blockchain.
PLENTIX makes it easy for users to use their own token to connect and integrate globally, and this is one of the features that PLENTIX offers, the decentralized online referral system you have!
how Plentix works ?
You can refer friends using the easy-to-use Plentix interface. Plentix offers the ability to refer users who are not members of the platform by directing invitations through social media, email or SMS — giving all users an easy and straightforward way to interact.
Referees will receive a discount code that they can purchase from a particular business they refer. The amount of discount and amount of time that referees can use depends on the scheme of each business set in their business admin panel.
The intended person can then use a discount code to purchase the product or service. Discount codes may only be active for a certain period of time depending on the schema assigned by the specific business for the referral, they have the flexibility to change it whenever necessary.
The referrer will receive a gift of token code or digital discount, depending on the business referral scheme, the referrer will only receive a commission if the referee uses a discount code and purchases from the business.
Plentix is ​​a platform that gives developers the flexibility and tremendous potential to earn revenue through their development. A developer can use the Plentix API to write their own software modules, either on the platform or through their own 3rd party applications.
On-platform developers will earn revenue for each customer’s interactions through their development. That is, programmers can use the Plentix feature to write administrative panels tailored specifically to businesses they interact with and get paid for each transaction with that business within the Plentix application.
The business administration panel offers different industry-based choices where businesses can choose the referral scheme they want to offer users. Referrers can always choose between a Plentix token or a discount at a store or online. We anticipate that the choice will vary for each business, based on their nature.
You can control when and how your referrals are shared. As a decentralized platform, it’s all done in blockchain — automating your referral program entirely by using smart contracts — without the need for authority, or control business in between.
New Options for Businesses
Plentix is designed to fill in the aforementioned gaps observed in the referral economy.
Core to our value proposition is the notion of an investable and redeemable asset — a
digital token. A digital token that can be shared, distributed, valued and revalued in
accordance to market dynamics. The token does not remain at a fixed, pre-defined
price — smart contracts on the Plentix blockchain will calculate a referrer’s transacting
value and reward accordingly based on pre-established parameters.
Plentix offers an incentive mechanism to not only reward referees but also referrers. It
also allows businesses to have more control over the flow of transactions and make
informed decisions on the value of commissions and discounts to offer — unlike other
competitors in the market today.
A business can control when and how the referrer will get the commission. For
example if a referee signs up, the referrer gets a 20% discount; and when the referee
uses his/her discount and conducts a transaction, the referrer gets 10% of the
transaction in Plentix token as commission.
Or the business could opt for a different setup — configuring the amount of commission
based on the number of times a referred customer transacts with the business. For
instance, a referrer may receive a commission in decreasing value points: 2% of the
transacted amount in Plentix token for the first transaction, 0.5% for the remaining
three transactions, or a combination of Plentix tokens and discounts on the remaining
three transactions with the business.
The choice would be up to the business — and would be clearly established in a predefined
method via that particular smart contract.
In addition business will have a wide range of integration options — allowing them to
seamlessly plug into their CRM systems or POS systems. These integration points will
allow a business to further enhance, track, and expand their referral programs.
And as the referrer can always choose between Plentix tokens or discount at the store
we anticipate that options will vary from business to business. Anticipating this
variance, Plentix will have a built-in, one-stop configuration tool that facilitates the
reward process and allows an enrolled business to choose the reward offer and
options they want to give to both the referrer and referee.
As opposed to creating a marketing platform, the intention of Plentix is to leverage
trust and relationships. The idea is to have friends-referring-friends (FrF) sharing their
experience about a product or service. This essentially helps to establish a vast
network of incentivized micro-marketers working for your brand.
Features Plentix :
Decentralized and Automated — A decentralized and distributed Blockchain system — providing businesses and developers with a structure to keep the platform free while, at the same time, allowing a large number of developers to build it.
Intelligent contract automation — allows programmers to easily plug and play with supported software, enabling cost reductions with easy scaling and automation capabilities. By using distributed and distributed infrastructure, Plentix provides programmers and businesses with a collection of APIs and open-source features.
Innovative Architectures — Businesses will have a variety of integration options — allowing them to continue to connect to their CRM system or POS system. While the Plentix platform empowers developers to write their modules, the Plentix application will allow programmers write modules to be combined with Plentix applications and transfer the cost of programming GAS to them when businesses using their software modules have transactions.
Apart from some players who work together behind the Plentix app platform, users only see one front-end interface and only need to sign up for a Plentix app.
Flexible Reward Options — There are many possible ways to refer your network to get an award. Referrers may earn a 10% reward in tokens for any referrals that make a purchase or even earn a commission for the first three purchases.
It’s up to the business to choose from. The prize can be in the Plentix token. Rewards can be monetized up to four purchases by referee clients. Prize choices vary from business to business, and include tokens, discounts, or a mixture of both.
Access to Tokenized Referrals — Whenever businesses and customers connect, every recommendation for a friend, a Plentix token store and a transfer value.
Since Plentix is ​​a network platform with a fundamental token that is an asset in the crypto economy, everyone wins: platform success is closely tied to the success of its users, token growth and ecosystem value supported by Platform plentix.
The Plentix ICO
To fund the development of Plentix, we will have an ICO (Initial Coin Offering) for
Plentix project tokens, hereafter referred to as PTN. An ICO is an event in which a new
cryptocurrency project sells part of its cryptocurrency tokens to early adopters and
enthusiasts in exchange for funding. We see this as a transparent and well-respected
way to raise funds in order to build Plentix. We need development resources and capital
for that.
Getting the appropriate resources together — from developers, designers, marketing
personnel to a legal team will require funding. We are confident in this endeavor, and
want everyone to reap the benefits of a global referral economy. We want to cultivate
community participation of Plentix’s success. As such, we opted for an ICO, rather than
traditional seed and series A funding through venture capital roots. It enables open
banking enthusiasts to become part of a larger community of likeminded individuals.
We plan to raise funds in an incremental fashion, starting with a pre-ICO event where
selected potential investors will have the opportunity to invest early at a discounted rate.
We will then open up our main event, the ICO, to the public where all the remaining
PTNs will be sold.
We aim to raise $10M in fiat currency. Price of each PTN is around 0.02$. So we will
circulate and intend to sell 500,000,000 PTNs. Plentix supporters and investors will
have the option to buy PTNs with Ether at Plentix’s website in pre-ICO and token sale
phases and with Bitcoin, Ether and Litecoin at major exchanges in future.
Plentix’s core value proposition is centered on the development of a stable, scalable,
reliable and distributed platform for the referral economy. Therefore, we anticipate to
allocate at least 30% of the funds raised to support and pay for our development efforts.
The second biggest spend in our fund allocation is business growth, marketing and
communications (marcomm). We allocate 40% of our funds for this activity, as the
importance of marketing a referral platform is not to be underestimated. The remaining
30% of the funds will be allocated to cover operations, legal, compliance, internal audit
controls and team compensation incentives. We anticipate having our first services
deployed in the market within 8 months.
In terms of timing, our pre-sale activity is going to end when the cap is reached or
around 4 weeks adter the start date. We anticipate reaching out to selected accredited
investors to participate in Plentix and purchase PTN with 30% bonus for the pre-ICO.
We will also have a referral program in the pre-ICO with referral bounties for up to 5% of
the allocated PTNs.
Then, we plan to have pre_ICO sale event on 25th April and ICO sale event on
20th May. We expect to reach the softcap during Pre-ICO and rest in ICO public
sale event.
Softcap: 3,000,000 USD
HardCap: 10,000,000 USD
We also do not allow discount aggregates, or discounts to carry on from week to week.
We reserve the right to end the sale if all PTNs are sold before the designated end of
the ICO. We plan to burn the unsold PTNs. However, to ensure we have
minimum resources to run the project and deliver we will reconsider our
position in the unlikely event that we fail to sell at least 80% of the PTNs
available. In such an event, our options would be to return funds to
investors, re-run the ICO with different terms providing liquidation option to existing PTN
holders or even putting the project on hold. It all depends on the community traction and
vote of confidence. Plentix is very much a community and social project, and as such
we aim to have the maximum possible community participation.
We will also apply a limit on the number of PTNs one can purchase at any point in time.
We will apply a cap of 50-Million PTNs for each address to ensure fairness and
opportunity for grassroots investment.
Plentix Token Details:
Distribution Tokens Plentix
50% — Token Sale
20% — Advisors And Early Investors
15% — Company Reserve
10% — Community Development
5% — Early Investors & Strategic Partners
Distribution Token Plentix
30% — Product Dev & Maintenance
25% — Busisness Growth & Dev
15% — Marketing & Customer Dev
10% — Reserve
15% — Operations
5% — Legal
the team
For Detail Information on Plentix:
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=1795848

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