Saturday 9 June 2018

HACK VC Token Sale

HACK VC is a liquid venture fund on the blockchain. HACK is the Ethereum-based token issued to HACK VC investors.
Hackers/Founders (H/F) is an organization that has been investing in top startups through an expansive global network. H/F’s portfolio of fifty-five technology startup companies has produced seven exits in only five years, including acquisitions by Facebook and Cisco.
Hackers/Founders (H/F) created HACK VC to bring its successful approach to the blockchain, increasing accessibility and liquidity for investors.
Traditional startup investors can only realize gains when a company is purchased or goes public. Liquidity events, such as acquisitions or IPOs, rarely happen in Silicon Valley, and even less so elsewhere. As a result, investors seldom profit, and have to wait approximately a decade to find out if they made a good investment decision.
However, HACK VC is liquid. Investors in HACK VC can buy, sell and trade tokens in a fund that derives value from H/F’s pool of well-performing startups. HACK tokens act like digital stock certificates.
Hackers/Founders manages a portfolio of post-product stage tech companies, and provides services in exchange for equity. Equity is combined into funds and offered to investors. H/F’s four funds have yielded seven exits in five years.
H/F launched its first tech entrepreneur group in Silicon Valley, and over the past decade, the community has grown to over 300,000 people in 128 cities and 47 countries. This unique network is key to H/F’s ongoing access to high-quality startups for its portfolio.
A community-sourced selection process translates into higher quality startups in the H/F program, and these portfolio companies tend to outperform similar companies in other funds or accelerators. Unlike others, H/F individually tailors its program to meet the needs of each startup. The result is that the H/F portfolio has seven exits out of fifty-five companies in four funds.
HACK VC will benefit from the same processes, community and experience that resulted in seven Hackers/Founders portfolio exits over the past five years.
With the use of blockchain technology, HACK VC will make it more possible for people at every level and in every part of the world to invest in startups. In addition, the liquidity of HACK VC means investors will be able to reap the rewards of a diversified startup portfolio without having to wait for years.
HACK is a new Ethereum-based token issued by HACK VC, and can be bought, sold and traded through online exchanges as a liquid transaction.
HACK is based on the ERC223 protocol. ERC223 solves issues with the ERC20 standard while remaining backwards compatible with ERC20-compliant wallets. HACK is a tradeable digital token that can be used for participation, representation, proof of membership in H/F or any other suitable purpose.
KrowdMentor, a strategic investment and advisory firm empowering blockchain investors, funds, startups and entrepreneurs, developed the token. KrowdMentor also provided smart contract development, smart contract management systems as well as through other advisory roles in support of HACK VC.
Unlike other programs, founders can speak with investors before officially joining the H/F program. It is an opportunity for applicants to gain invaluable advice on markets, fundraising and usability.
H/F sources investors from a database of over 3,000 angel investors, venture capitalists, family office managers, institutional investors and other financial professionals, all who donate their time.
Interviews are conducted via in-person meeting or video conference. Afterward, investors share their scores with H/F. If a company scores well enough on investor and expert review boards, H/F opens a dialogue with the founders about whether their company would be a good fit for the Hackers/Founders startup program.
Catatan tentang Kepatuhan
HACK VC mematuhi semua peraturan yang berlaku, dan berkomitmen terhadap transparansi dan akuntabilitas dalam semua urusan bisnisnya.
  • Sejumlah terbatas warga AS terakreditasi akan dapat berinvestasi dalam penjualan token HACK.
  • Penilaian perusahaan portofolio akan diselesaikan dengan menggunakan eShares atau platform serupa, dan diaudit oleh BPA pihak ketiga yang independen.
  1. Audit independen terhadap nilai agregat akan dilakukan secara berkala oleh perusahaan audit.
  2. Penilaian akan dipublikasikan secara berkala, dan tidak akan diubah atau dipengaruhi oleh HACK VC, karyawan, karyawan perusahaan portofolio, penasihat, investor atau orang lain yang terkait dengan HACK VC.
  • HACK VC akan memimpin dewan direksi untuk memberikan pengawasan.
Mengapa Pendekatan ini?
Visi HACK VC adalah untuk mengatasi masalah pendanaan yang kompleks yang dihadapi para pemula di seluruh dunia, dengan cara yang akan menguntungkan investor.
  • HACK VC menciptakan entitas non-AS untuk menjalankan penjualan token. Entitas lepas pantai melindungi para pemula dan investor jika pemerintah memilih untuk mengambil pandangan tidak simpatik tentang Penjualan Token.
  • Visi jangka panjangnya adalah membawa modal ke Amerika Latin dan daerah-daerah kurang berprestasi lainnya di seluruh dunia di mana kurangnya likuiditas mencegah investasi. Dana modal ventura cair kami memungkinkan kami untuk berinvestasi dan mendukung perusahaan pemula di seluruh dunia dengan cara yang tidak mungkin layak dilakukan.
  • Ketika crowdfunding satu perusahaan pada satu waktu, sangat sulit untuk membangun portofolio yang cukup besar untuk mencapai diversifikasi yang diperlukan untuk menangkap hasil yang menguntungkan. Jadi kami telah memilih blockchain untuk mengaktifkan crowdfunding dari keseluruhan dana.
  • Kami berkomitmen terhadap integritas, transparansi, akuntabilitas dan penggunaan kontrak pintar. Secara keseluruhan, kami yakin mereka akan mengurangi faktor risiko yang mungkin terjadi bagi investor.
  • API — Antarmuka Pemrograman Aplikasi
  • Blockchain — sebuah buku besar digital dimana transaksi yang dilakukan pada bitcoin atau cryptocurrency lainnya dicatat secara kronologis dan umum.
  • Ethereum — (Investopedia) sebuah platform perangkat lunak terdesentralisasi yang memungkinkan Smart Contracts and Distributed Applications (ĐApps) dibangun dan dijalankan tanpa downtime, kecurangan, kontrol atau gangguan dari pihak ketiga. Ethereum bukan hanya sebuah platform tapi juga bahasa pemrograman (Turing complete) yang berjalan di blockchain, membantu pengembang untuk membangun dan menerbitkan aplikasi terdistribusi.
  • HACK — simbol ticker untuk token berbasis Ethereal yang dikeluarkan oleh HACK VC
  • HACK VC — nama untuk dana cair pada blockchain yang diciptakan untuk meningkatkan likuiditas dan aksesibilitas investasi di startup di seluruh dunia.
  • Hacker / Pendiri — organisasi yang mengelola portofolio global di seluruh dunia dan cenderung mengembangkan jaringan ekspansif para pengusaha, investor, dan para ahli.
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=1795848

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