Saturday 19 May 2018


A Blockchain based platform — Zero Carbon, the main aim of this company is to reduce carbon emission faster than the renewable energy source. The Parent company of Zero Carbon is named BEOND which is into the market since 2003 where they are an energy consultant where their clients are dealing with the problem arising from the global climate change.
Zero Carbon Project is established by BEOND Group in 2018 where they are solving the risks of climate change with the help of renewable energy source under the blockchain. Apart from blockchain they are also using international carbon credit where they are providing energy to their clients at cheaper rate which will reduce the carbon emission problem into the atmosphere.
How it works
With the help of international carbon credit in Zero Carbon market many suppliers are competing to balance against the carbon emissions. This will cost lesser in compare the charges of renewable energy source and It is cheaper than fossil fuels as well.

The process which goes like where — Suppliers must submit their Zero Carbon energy offers in this platform from where consumers can select their preferred cheapest contract option from platform’s market. Also, they complete the contract directly with the successful energy supplier. For this Zero Carbon Project introduced their token named Energis which is limited. For this token consumers must complete the online KYC process. This Energis token can also be purchased in exchange for other cryptocurrencies on the Blockchain.

Problem & Solution
Climate change is a global problem. The climate change which includes rising temperature, Arctic Ice are continuously melting, and ratio of carbon dioxide are rising into the atmosphere. Environment get affected due to pollution arises with all the industrial working around the world and environment also get effected due to Greenhouse effect. Renewable energy technology is working well but they are very expensive and the impact of this on carbon emission is getting slower.
The solution is where Zero Carbon markets deliver lower prices by providing competition and allowing suppliers to balance carbon emissions using international carbon credit. Consumers get benefitted with their lower prices and earn their Energis token. These tokens are rewards for consumers from which they can utilize it in future and exchange it to other cryptocurrencies through third party crypto exchanges. By these suppliers also get benefitted with increasing consumer base by using international carbon credit at a cheaper cost.
The Team
Derek Myers — CEO — Chairman of West London Climate Change Commission. Developed Beond into most innovative and highest quality energy consultancy in UK.
Thomas Schmitz — Director — Rolled out energy exchanges internationally for Deutsche Bourse.
Philip Louw — Software Manager & Developer — A leading contributor to the open source development community.
Alastair Hutson — Europe Director & MD of Beond — Established European energy trading operations for large US businesses including Aquila Energy and Duke Energy; and Southern Electric in the UK.
Bok Khoo — Ethereum Smart Contract Advisor & Developer — Bok develops and audits Ethereum smart contracts for his clients which have included over 30 blockchain projects.
Token Matrix
Token — NRG
Pre-ICO Price — 1 NRG = 0.15 USD
Price — 1 NRG = 0.2 USD
Hard Cap — $5 M
Soft Cap — $2 M
Platform — Ethereum
Accepting — ETH
Country — UK
First, BEOND Group the parent company of Zero Carbon Project is a good company where they are into the market for 15 years as an energy consultant. There are many competitors of Zero Carbon Project, they are — Power Ledger, WePower, Grid+, Electrify.
Power Ledger is a well-known established energy blockchain project which is providing peer-to-peer energy trading where peer-to-peer markets could take time to provide cheaper services. Zero carbon Project’s customers are energy suppliers and consumers where they get benefitted with the cheaper price service in Zero Carbon Market platform.
WePower is targeting new renewables farms seeking finance to build solar and wind farms, and their approach is to tokenise the future electricity output from new renewable source and they are planning to build their own energy supply platform to deliver electricity to consumers. In this Zero Carbon is different because they have already their competitive market where suppliers can generate offers for consumers to choose by their preference.
Zero Carbon have less followers on social media platforms, but they are very much active in Telegram group. They have also not mention about hard cap & soft cap anywhere in the website and whitepaper. Whitepaper is a bit technical to understand but they have covered all the things to explain about the project.
Social Media Reach
Facebook — 540 Followers —
Twitter — 640+ Followers —
Telegram — 1030+ Members —
Bitcointalk Username:dhavid19
Bitcointalk URL —;u=1795848
ETH Address — 0x2e0aE95a7871c8A38A513981904410d07DD96231

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