Wednesday 16 May 2018

SoyCoin ICO Review: Decentralized solution for the industrial production of soya derivatives

Blockchain technology has introduced a new kind of decentralized life into many industries. Hospitality, gambling, VR, financial investments, art, and these are just some of them.
The idea of ​​decentralization is the key to mastering and implementing the technology of block technologies within such a variety of industrial aspects. The average person is cut out of the picture, which provides a direct link between the supplier of goods or services and customers.
Heavy industry was still scarce and far from buying the concept of blockades, perhaps because of traditionalism or reluctance to change.
This may change, as SoyCoin enters the ICO playing field with a unique offer: to invest in high-technology processing of soybeans to produce several soybean derivatives, such as soybean oil and flour.
This fragment is an analysis of the facts about ICO SoyCoin. It should not be seen as a recommendation or recommendation. While IKO has quickly become a popular tool for financing projects and start-ups, they can also be very risky for tokens buyers.
In addition, ICOs currently have an unclear legal and financial position. Token buyers may find that their purchase does not provide them any security or fairness, since the ICO is closer to the crowdfunding initiative than the traditional IPO. Thus, any investor who plans to buy tokens should receive all the relevant independent advice and perform its due due diligence.
SoyCoin: Investing in clean, high-tech soybean oil production 
SoyCoin is a pioneer in the heavy industry, at least in terms of ICOs.
The company seeks to collect investments for the development of high-tech plants working on green energy, for the processing of soy beans that receive soya derivatives.
SoyCoin in numbers and fast facts
The name of the token is SoyCoin (SYC)
The value of the token is determined during the ICO,
Totally released tokens - 325 000 000
Start date before ICO starts - November 17, 2017.
The provisional end date for the ICO is December 17, 2017.
The ICO start date is December 25, 2017.
The provisional end date for the ICO is December 17, 2017.
ICO end date is March 25, 2018.
Current SYC
As in the case of any other ICO, the company will issue its own currency - SoyCoin (SYC). This token is based on the ERC-20 standard.
The company defines SYC as "a financial instrument for the block chain Ethereum, supplied with goods of industrial production."
The SYC value will change throughout the ICO, according to this table:
Daily Value in US Dollars Discount%
As in the case of any other ICO, the company will issue its own currency - SoyCoin (SYC). This token is based on the ERC-20 standard.
The company defines SYC as "a financial instrument for the block chain Ethereum, supplied with goods of industrial production."
The SYC value will change throughout the ICO, according to this table:
Daily Value in US Dollars Discount%
Day ICO 1 - Cost = 0.55 $ (discount 45%) 
ICO Days 2-4 - Value = 0,65 $ (35% discount) 
Days ICO 5-7 - Cost = $ 0.75 (25% discount) 
Days ICO 8-22 - Cost = $ 0.85 (15% discount) 
Days ICO 23-30 - Cost = $ 0.95 (5% discount) 
For day 30 - Cost = $ 1 (no discount) 
After creating the tokens will be distributed as follows:
Crowdsdale - 80% 
Project Team - 17% 
Bounty - 3% 
The site SoyCoin presents a core group of six people, which is rather meager and suitable for launching ICO.
With each photo a brief biography is displayed, but there is no link to LinkedIn profiles, so it's difficult to verify the information.
The presence of social networks and digital space 
A strong presence in social networks is usually a good indicator of the company's popularity, although this is not the only factor determining success.
Here are the figures for SoyCoin at the time of this writing (December 2017).
Twitter - 0 subscribers 
Facebook - 4 subscribers 
LinkedIn - n / a 
Currently, the presence of ICO in social networks is insignificant, which is equivalent to a non-existent organization.
This is not necessarily a sign of failure, but SoyCoin must be activated in the game of Social Media, if it is successful in the long run.
In general, the presence of this ICO in social networks is very poor.
The choice of SoyCoin (soybeans) is quite a unique proposition. As far as I know, no other ICO has yet decided to create production facilities for processing such a thing, so it has an advantage from this point of view. Only one other ICO, Beefcoin, has a similar approach to business, albeit for the beef industry.
Looking at SoyCoin exclusively in terms of competition, this ICO is currently a pioneer.
Quality and site layout 
The ICO website is the first port of call for any potential investors, and if the site is not attractive enough, they will move on and forget about your offer, no matter how good or viable. Therefore, you need to create a good website to make a strong and lasting first impression.
The SoyCoin site is a pretty dirty business. It is delivered in two languages: Russian and English. I can not vouch for the Russian version, but the English language is rather inconvenient and difficult to read, since it has many grammatical and orthographic problems. The text obviously was not offered to the rehearer.
Selected fonts and color palettes are also quite controversial and harsh, which creates a somewhat unpleasant and unforgettable experience.
Nevertheless, it is very important that the site is unsafe, a flaw that, undoubtedly, is a demonstrator for a website dealing with crypto-currencies.
Finally, the links for social networking accounts do not work.
In general, very bad rating for the site SoyCoin.
White paper 
A well-designed, informative, comprehensive technical document is mandatory for any ICO, if it should be taken seriously. Documentation is sometimes seen as an afterthought, as a result of which many companies can criticize.
In the case of SoyCoin, and, like its website, the technical document is of very poor quality. It is difficult to read and understand, since the grammar does not conform to the standard. The corrective may have been important here, but the budget may not be available at this time. In addition, there is a random shift of words and sentences, fonts of different sizes, etc.
In general, the technical document SoyCoin is in very poor condition.
If you look at this from a single point of view of handling soybeans, SoyCoin really stands on the field. No other ICO deals with this, as far as I can tell, and the idea of ​​decentralizing bean clarification is interesting.
In general, however, there are several issues that need to be considered, for example, a poor website and technical document, and it is very important that the website is not secure. This factor will play against SoyCoin in a very important way.
for more information, please click on the following link:
BTT URL:;u=1795848

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