Wednesday 2 May 2018

Smart cargo transportation with the company SMART CONTAINERS

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Today we will consider a new company that seeks to improve the quality of the entire logistics system in the world. I don't know if you ever wondered how different products, goods or pharmaceuticals are delivered to us from different parts of the world. Which means of transport are used, are the conditions of transportation observed, does a fresh product or a preparation reach us at all?

Undoubtedly, nowadays many companies are engaged in cargo transportation, and every time they try to use the most new technologies for transporting their goods. But sometimes due to non-compliance with the conditions of transportation, cargo damage occurs and this irreversibly leads to financial losses of the companies themselves. For example, in 2016, pharmaceutical companies, due to non-compliance with temperature regimes during the transportation of vaccines, suffered losses of $ 2.5 billion. On average, it is about two hundred and fifty million dollars for the top 10 pharmaceutical companies.

That is why almost all developing countries in the West are now striving to ensure the import of undamaged goods while respecting GDP standards.

Thus two main problems in the sphere of transportation of both food, and pharmaceutical preparations were revealed:
1) failure to comply with the necessary temperature conditions;
2) the inability to monitor the temperature of the cargo during its transportation.

To solve this problem was solved by a group of Smart Containers.
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The history of the company began 8 years ago, a team of specialists began to solve technological problems associated with the movement of goods. This, in turn, led them to develop a smart container that is able to maintain the required storage mode and maintain it effectively.

Smart Containers has about 100 patents in the field of cargo transportation. Therefore, this group is rapidly developing around the world. And just for some 5 years, it has become one of the largest players in the market.

Now Smart Containers has been manufacturing and selling its generic containers, while transports and rents them out. But the company is not going to stop its development. After all, to remain in the leading lists, Smart Containers should look for ways to develop and improve its business.

To make it more clear to you what we are talking about, let's look at the classic version of the transportation of goods according to European rules. (see figure)
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But that's not all. To arrange the transportation of goods, it is necessary to issue hundreds of documents and send about two thousand letters online. Which in turn requires a huge staff on both sides. (see figure)
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Therefore, Smart Containers decided to create a new logistics system - LOGI CHAIN, which will be completely decentralized. Thanks to this system, the company will be able to get rid of tons of documents and hundreds of thousands of censuses, which in turn will speed up the process of payment for services, making transportation more automatic.

In practice it will look as follows. Each container will be supplied with a chip, which will contain all the necessary information about the goods. At the moment the company is already using its own decentralized system, which is very similar to BLOCKCHAIN. But with the advent of BLOCKCHAIN technology for the company opened new opportunities, namely the use of smart contracts.

But in order to make all their ideas a reality, the company needs to use high-tech equipment and provide them with high-performance software. To do this, the company holds an ICO, so that with the sale of tokens it could implement its global project.

The company plans to use two types of tokens: (see figure)
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Which I find very convenient and practical. Ka investor, I certainly will not pass this project and take part in it.

Especially since public token sales will begin this month. Therefore, I recommend that you read more about all the details of the project and explore all the necessary information on these links:

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