Wednesday 16 May 2018

Overview: ICO & Bounty Winstars

Winstars is a decentralized gaming platform with a catalog of mass gambling, the core of which is built on Blochane and Smart contracts.
Today we will consider the most honest casino on the block. Interesting? Then drove! The purpose of this platform is to create an international, transparent online gambling operator, built on blockbuster technology.

Problems of this market

Considering the growth of the market and the growth of incomes of this industry, it can be concluded that there are many problems in the market.
  • Problems of the players. 
  • The lack of transparency , that is, the player can not in any way check the integrity of algorithms on the platform and from this in no way can calculate the chance of winning.
  • There are no guarantees that the player has such a risk that at any time they can block his online account at the discretion of the broker, the player does not even have protection, as the license is most often purchased in third world countries.
  • Financial transactions , often the players who broke the "jackpot" and want to withdraw their earned money, there are problems with the withdrawal, then you have to pay unclear commissions, then some fees.
  • Lack of protection , in case of hacking the online platform, personal (confidential) user data can be stolen.
  • The problems of gambling operators
  • Distrust of the platform , it is difficult for a new company to break through in this area.
  • Financial transactions are difficult for international users due to high and inefficient transaction costs.
  • Scalability , difficult for platforms to enter the new market, due to adaptations, legislation and other problems.

Winstars Platform

Winstars is an international online gambling operator built on the basis of integrating new IT solutions in online gambling and Blockchain technology. This platform will provide a unique opportunity for all lovers of gambling, to make transactions regardless of location. For the guarantee of transparency and honesty on the platform, smart contracts are responsible, thanks to this, most of the problems in the gambling market are being solved.That is, anyone can check the entire algorithm of games that are installed on the platform, to prove the authenticity. On the platform, all operations pass through the internal WINS token. The use of tokens in the system minimizes bureaucratic processing, reduces the time of receipt of funds to the client's account and the amount of the commission, and also gives high liquidity of funds and the ability to make transfers around the world.

  • Absence of financial boundaries, and there are no hidden commissions due to crypto-currencies;
  • Experienced project team;
  • Decentralization, this removes the risks of blocking users' accounts;
  • Ability to verify the integrity of the algorithms of the system;
  • Scalability, you can use this platform from anywhere in the world, as there are no financial barriers, everything depends on the block air of the etherium;
  •  There is an opportunity for testing games, as well as good conditions for those who have few funds;
  • There is no need to identify players;
  • No restrictions on the amount of transaction;
  • Automation of internal processes, acceleration of payments;
  • Creation of an internal ecosystem of services;

Road map


Official Website 
White Paper

Ann | Telegram | Twitter | Facebook | Medium | Reddit
Bounty distribution:
• Signature  30%
• Youtube  10%
• Blog / Media / Article  15% 
• Twitter  16%
• Facebook  17%
• Translations  10%
• Telegram  2%
  • Each member can only use one account per campaign
  • Each participant should write a "communicative message" in the  English-speaking bounty-branch
  • It is necessary to join our Telegram chat and channel
  • The stakes will be counted every week.
  • The first week of the bounty begins on  05/07/2018
  • We reserve the right to exclude you from the bounty campaign if it seems to us that you are performing unscrupulous work.
  • We reserve the right to change the rules of the bounty campaign.
  • The number of friends / subscribers can not be changed during the bounty campaign.

  • Subscription campaign for Jr. accounts Member is limited to 30 participants;
  • You need to write at least 15 constructive messages a week;
  • The message must contain at least 60 characters;
  • Messages in bounty-branches will not be counted;
  • Offtopic and spam messages will not be counted;
  • A maximum of 3 messages per day will be counted;
  • The signature, personal message and avatar must not be removed until a full count is made after the end of the ICO (week for counting);
  • Accounts with negative trust are not accepted;
  • Jr. member - 1 rate per week
  • Member - 3 rates per week
  • Full Member - 4 bets per week (+0.5 bets per avatar)
  • Senior Member - 6 bets per week (+0.5 bets per avatar)
  • Hero / Legendary - 8 bets per week (+0.5 bets per avatar)
List of participants

  • The length of the video on Youtube should be at least 2 minutes. Your account must have at least 100 subscribers;
  • Low quality videos will not be accepted;
  • You can use the official pictures, logo, graphics posted on our website, in the ANN branch, on the Facebook and Twitter pages;
  • Video must be public;
  • In the description of the video you need to place a link to our site and WP.
  • Post a link to your Bitcointalk profile in the video description to verify your authorship.
You will receive a reward, depending on the quality of the video and audience coverage.
  • View Bonuses:
  • 100+ views: 1x
  • 500+ views: 2x
  • 1000+ views: 3x
  • 2000+ Views: 4x
  • 5000+ Views: 6x
  • Views: 10x
List of participants

  • Your account must have at least 50 subscribers.Recommended sites: Steemit, Golos;
  • Articles of poor quality will not be accepted;
  • Your articles should be unique and have at least 800 characters;
  • Copying graphics, text and other content is not allowed. (You can use the official pictures, logo, graphics posted on our website, in the ANN branch, on Facebook and Twitter). If the originality of the article is less than 50% that article will be regarded as of poor quality;
  • The article should contain links to the official website and Whitepaper.
  • Post a link to your Bitcointalk profile in the article to verify your authorship.
  • You will receive a reward, depending on the quality of the article and the coverage of the audience.
List of participants

  •  Join the Twitter page
  • Twitter audit should be at least 85%
  • The limit of 600 participants
  • The number of subscribers will not be updated after the start of dripping.
  • Everyone can participate in the twitter campaign, regardless of rank on the bitcointalk.
  • You need to bet and retweet at least 4 tweets of our account.
  • It is necessary to create at least 3 original tweets per week with the following: # WinStars # WINS # ICO  ;
  • Only 1 tweet / retweet per day will be counted;
  • Participants must submit a report ONCE A WEEK in the English-speaking bounty-branch every  Sunday at 11:59 pm by the forum time . The rates are updated every Monday-Wednesday. Create a new report message every week, you do not need to edit the previous reports with reports.
  • 300-1000 rp - 1 rate per week
  • 1001-2500 rp - 3 bets per week
  • 2501-5000 rp - 5 bets per week
  • 5001-10000 rp - 7 bets per week
  • Over 10,000 rp - 10 bets per week
List of participants

  •  Subscribe to our Facebook page
  •  The number of friends will not be updated after the start of the campaign!
  • The limit of 600 participants
  • Everyone can participate in Facebook campaigns, regardless of rank on bitcointalk.
  • You need to put a kid and share at least 3 posts from our Facebook account.
  • You need to write at least 2 unique posts per week, using: #WinStars #WINS #ICO
  • You need to leave a constructive comment at least two posts a week.
  • Only 1 post / repost per day will be counted;
  • Participants must submit a report ONCE A WEEK in the  English-speaking bounty-branch  every  Sunday at 11:59 pm by the forum time . The rates are updated every Monday-Wednesday. Create a new report message every week, you do not need to edit the previous reports with reports.
  • 200-500 friends - 1 rate per week
  • 501-1500 friends - 3 bids a week
  • 1501-3000 friends - 5 bets per week
  • 3001-5000 friends - 7 bids per week
  • More than 5000 friends - 10 bets per week
List of participants


  • Enter a chat in Telegram  and channel
  • Users must remain in the group until the end of the ICO.
  • You need to be active and helpful in the group. Inactive users can receive 50% less reward or are excluded.
  • You can help the team explain to others about the work of WinStars
  • Join the official Telegram chat - 1 bet
  • Invite a friend to the group - 1 bet / friend
Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1795848

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