Sunday 13 May 2018

ICO FLOGmall- we invest in e-commerce of international scale

The FLOGmall platform is a profitable collaboration of sellers and buyers without intermediaries and spending on marketing, promising ICO conditions 
We live in an actively developing society, with the advent of new opportunities in the age of high technology. Therefore, there are more comfortable opportunities for buying the necessary goods and services. Now, for most transactions, you do not even have to get up off the couch or leave your workplace - there is enough Internet capacity to conduct any transactions. Experts in the near future predict a confident transition of the entire market for goods and services to the Internet. But with all the bright prospects and ambitions of the industry, you can still talk about various constraints that significantly slow down the growth rate of this industry. First of all, serious pressure on buyers, which continue to be traditionally provided by offline stores, deserves attention. Many online sellers are not able to compete with them with dignity, Considering the need for significant marketing and promotion costs. But the problem can be successfully solved thanks to new principles and opportunities for online sales within the FLOGmall project . 
Features and Challenges FLOGmall - a step in the future of online sales 
The concept of the project assumes creation of a functional and convenient platform for large-scale Internet commerce, providing a set of advantages for sellers and buyers. The new platform is based on an effective approach without intermediation by all kinds of wholesalers and retailers. As a result, buyers will gain undoubted advantages in the form of low and fair prices when buying the necessary services and products. Another important principle of the project is that customers have the opportunity to independently determine a suitable service or product, more retail chains will not impose their offers. Undoubted advantages due to work with the FLOGmall platform are received by the sellers. It no longer requires the attendant costs for marketing tasks, therefore, can significantly reduce the cost of its proposals and achieve customer loyalty. Also, due to the capabilities and functionality of the platform, there are actual marketing programs for the promotion and loyalty of its customers. In fact, the FLOGmall platform becomes a progressive symbiosis of the online store and bulletin boards, opening convenient principles of establishing interaction for sellers and buyers using its internal crypto currency. A consistent development of the platform is planned, which will become available to users all over the world. opening convenient principles of interaction for sellers and buyers using their internal crypto currency. A consistent development of the platform is planned, which will become available to users all over the world. opening convenient principles of interaction for sellers and buyers using their internal crypto currency. A consistent development of the platform is planned, which will become available to users all over the world. 
Actual features of the platform are the wide functionality of FLOGmall 
- Effective presentation of your store in video format. A convenient opportunity to demonstrate to your customers what the store looks like, what it has to offer, how the work of employees is organized, the production processes are organized, increasing the overall trust and loyalty of customers and the target audience. Now, for such a demonstration of proposals and workflows, it's enough just to record a video or organize an online broadcast. Especially effective will look like a solution, when on-line to buyers, the entire workflow is organized. 
- Show a video greeting from the store owner to its target audience. A convenient and effective opportunity to win sympathy and loyalty to your audience, increasing the likelihood of a deal.
- Ability to dedicate individual videos to each product offered. According to the latest research data, about 60% of all purchases are made after watching a thematic video about the product - an advertising video, a review, etc. Thanks to this, it will be possible to clearly evaluate the features and advantages of the product, highlighting it against the background of numerous analogues on the market. 
- Convenient management of your own video blog with coverage of all interesting and relevant events from the life of the company, with congratulations from readers with different holidays and achievements, winning loyalty and recognition from their customers. 
- The organization of live broadcasts, through which effective sales are being established - for example, the display of sales, auctions and other events.
- Video advertising with effective promotion of their goods and services. The uploaded video will contain the seller's logo, excluding the risk of video theft and plagiarism. 

The main advantages of the platform for the buyers themselves

First of all, buyers receive a significant scale and variety of offers from all over the world. The project involves working with a built-in online translator, thanks to which multilanguage communication on the pages of the portal will become much easier and more understandable. Particular attention deserves the possibility of direct purchase of goods from manufacturers and suppliers with the help of almost any altcoyin. Today, the owners of many tokens have pressing questions about their liquidity. Since not always the exchanges can offer a profitable course of selling altcoyins, but now the problem is successfully solved by buying real goods or services using these tools. In addition to the purchase of regular goods, a wide range of additional services and options are offered, including rental of apartments, etc. It will be possible to use the cashback service and various discounts. Special attention should be paid to the innovative feature of the project - ensuring the security of transactions through the proven technology of smart contracts. Buyers get the opportunity to study objective information for each seller, getting acquainted with reviews and honest ratings of the goods they are interested in. Buyers get a convenient opportunity to track reviews and information about the seller, with control over the changes and the dynamics of prices and the rating of the selected store. An important feature of the new project - the ability to post their reviews is only available to those who actually made the purchase of the goods. This norm is established by the principle of smart contracts. This approach suits gives confidence in the truthfulness and honesty of the posted feedback, with internal moderation on the platform, screening out suspicious sellers. The advantages of the platform are complemented by convenient and simple navigation, with the quick selection of the right product without the additional waste of time and risks for a suitable purchase. The project functionality also includes filtering goods and services according to various criteria.
For buyers, the cost of offers is displayed not only in the crypto currency, but also in fiat, allowing you to easily navigate through available offers. 

The actual advantages and capabilities of the FLOGmall platform for sellers:

- Convenient opportunities for selling goods all over the world. Sellers are no longer limited to the physical framework of a particular market or audience near their store. Now you can establish sales of goods and services throughout the global market, significantly increasing the level of sales and profits. The seller has the opportunity to choose the appropriate cities and countries for work, language for communication, etc. Everything depends on their own logistics capabilities and the scale of the business.   
- Actual opportunities for access to a large and rapidly developing market of holders of crypto currency, which will significantly increase the total number of sales.   
- Guarantee of low commission on transactions. Do not need to pay large commissions for the payment systems used. All transactions are conducted directly between buyers and sellers. At the same time, the procedures are an exchange, in which many taxes and commissions do not apply in many countries.   
- Convenient ability to quickly create and configure your own online store, without the need for significant costs for web developers and unnecessary waste of time. Now you can build your own online store using a designer on the platform. The function of creating an online store on the platform is offered absolutely free of charge.   
- Ability to start and establish the first sales of your store in the shortest possible time.   
- A large set of additional tools for successful sales with video bloggers.   
- Flexible capabilities of powerful analytics of various indicators, with accurate tracking of the advantages and weaknesses of your business. Due to this, there is the possibility of prompt and successful response to changes in the current situation, taking a set of necessary measures.   
- Available technical support tools, with prompt and successful solution of emerging issues for the development of your business. 
- Preservation of store anonymity if necessary, ensuring absolute confidentiality of personal data.   
- Equal opportunities at the start for all market participants. Now everyone can impose worthy competition to the largest participants of the industry. If you specialize in quality products and worthy service at loyal prices, get objective opportunities for success thanks to the FLOGmall platform. 

Advantages of FLOGmall for the work of private sellers

The FLOGmall platform has integrated all the advantages of classic bulletin boards and online stores in its functionality, so not only shops and entrepreneurs get opportunities for profitable commerce, but also ordinary people.
For this they can put up for sale personal items that have already ceased to be necessary for the family. At the same time, the platform is implemented in an international format - due to this scale it is possible to guarantee sales in almost every case with the finding of its buyer. And to place the announcement of the sale is now quite literally a few clicks, working with a convenient and intuitive interface. 
The project FLOGmall conducts ICO, therefore everyone can become an investor and get a number of advantages: 
ICO opens wide opportunities for earnings directly to investors of the project. Since the access to the exchange and the successful development of the platform in the future, the cost of tokens will increase. It is also necessary to take into account that sales of tokens at the start are offered to investors with various discounts and bonuses for guaranteeing a profitable transaction. It is also planned to output the FLOGmal project token to the Bittrex, Bitfinex and other exchanges .   
- The ability to exchange tokens using the ATES service. In this case, the exchange of tokens will be made for investors during the ICO period at a more favorable rate. Over time, the value of tokens is expected to grow thanks to the attraction of investments and the direction of a part of the project's profit for the growth of the domestic currency rate.   
- Providing discounts up to 80% on the purchase of goods and services on the platform. Each owner of the tokens has the opportunity to purchase the necessary goods immediately after the launch of the project, achieving tangible savings of up to 80% of the actual price of the selected product. This option is extremely beneficial not only for investors, but also for ordinary buyers of the necessary goods or services.   
- Selling tokens through the platform exchanger. Also, the platform provides an opportunity for profitable earning and the usual owners of tokens. Because over time, the price of tokens will grow, including through the ability to purchase products on the platform with the help of altcoyins. It is also possible to obtain benefits through the possibility of buying real goods and services on the altcoy. All platform services can be provided using the internal crypto currency - Mallcoin (MLC) token on the ERC-20 standard, with the ability to store on the FLOGmall platform and Ephirium's own purse. The FLOGmall project offers ICO, lasting three main stages - with different discounts and bonuses on each of them. Investors are able to purchase domestic tokens using the Ethereum and Bitcoin crypto currency. After passing the ICO stages, additional tokens will not be released - unrealized ones are to be burned. A total of 250 million MLC tokens are planned. 
All funds collected for ICO will be sent for the following tasks:  
  • PR, marketing and project support - 79%.
  • Formation and further development of community infrastructure - 5%, but not less than 1 million dollars.
  • Marketing and PR of ICO - 5%, but not less than 500 thousand dollars.
  • For operating expenses, office maintenance, employees, etc. - up to 7%, but not less than $ 2 million.
  • Investments, which are returned to early investors - 2%, but not more than 500 thousand dollars.
  • For registration of documents and legal issues - 1%, but not less than 150 thousand dollars.
  • To repay loans that were used to develop this platform - 1%, but not more than 500 thousand dollars.
  • To provide bonuses for developers and owners - up to 3%. 
 The following scheme of distribution of tokens is assumed:  
  • 55% is the main stage of the ICO.
  • 14% for PRE-ICO.
  • 5% - pre-sale of PRE-Sale.
  • 8% are allocated to the project team.
  • 8% are directed to PR.
  • 2% - bounty campaign.
  • 8% Fund.
Links to the project resources:
Official website:
Telegram FLOGmall:
Twitter FLOGmall: https: // twitter. com / flogmall
Article Author: dhavid19 
Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1795848

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