Wednesday 18 April 2018

UbiatarPlay, you've got the ability and power to be in anywhere


"With Ubiatar, you really have the power to be everywhere," says the director of this platform. And it is not just words.
Ubiatarplay's main office believes that research is freedom, and life is interaction. And in order to make this interaction more effective, you will be provided with the latest modern technologies that convert I to Avatars, people who want to help others in increasing their potential. I completely agree with the Ubiatarplay team that people are much better than any robot. Nothing can replace a true human relationship, and the team of this platform is the friendliest I've ever met.
With the help of this service you will be provided with simple and honest work, which makes Ubiatar an ideal place to start your business and even to open a new page of your life. Ubiatarplay will help you overcome any limitations that you have. You can freely see and experiment in any place and any culture, any interaction. One of the main goals of the Ubiatarplay community is to make humanity better and every person better than a person. So, could you join this community and help them achieve this noble goal?
Well, let's talk more about this company. Ubiatar is the only project that offers a viable and real solution to the ancient dream of mankind - having the power of omnipresence or instantaneous transmission in any place.
Now I will explain to you how this works. Every person now has a smartphone, so any information can be sent over the network to the person at home, who in turn directs the Avatar - the person. The direction is set with z a revolutionary so-called graphical GUI interface superimposed over the streaming video stream.
As explained on the official website, avatars and users of Ubiatar will meet in the Ubiatarplay market, which works almost like the Apple Store or, for example, on the Google Play Marketplace. Publishers of various applications meet with customers who want to install or buy them. The only difference is that on Ubiatarplay avatars offer their presence in place for a unique experience, and users can actively and pay for their service. Revenues from the market will be used to fulfill the mission of Ubiatarplay - to raise the nominal value of Ubiatar in the fastest and largest way, providing honest employment opportunities to people throughout our large world.
The Ubiatarplay market is one of the most favorable places I have ever seen. Here you can find many third-party business projects called HumanApps. You can customize your avatar at your discretion - you can brand it, create a group of avatars, create a logo and name, write a description and set up some images and graphics that will become your project page in the Human Rights Network. It's even easier than it seems - the interface is intuitive.
You can develop your business in any field you want. It can be traditional business, charity, leisure group or any other legal idea or organization - there is no limit other than your own imagination! 
After branding your presence, you get full advertising power in your hands, so that only you keep more of your income and, thus, support paid advertising. Managing your business is not harder than creating an application in an Apple store or on Google's trading floors. The only difference is that on HumanApp you cope without any encoding and with little or no money. You just need to organize and promote your offer with standard social networking tools.
Until today, such a service was considered unrealistic. But now you have a unique chance to touch the future and improve the quality of life and give your business a new beginning. The Ubiatar service is constantly evolving and getting better every day. Do not waste your time - give yourself a new chance!

A short video about the project that will answer the question - What is UBIATAR?

Technical information about the project, the token and ICO

Aspiration of UBIATAR. What will we give to people and how will we do it ?!

Let's give to people.jpg



Ubiatar is the only project offering a viable and real solution to the ancient dream of mankind: possessing the power of omnipresence or instant translation to any place. 
The starting point is an ordinary smartphone belonging to a local individual (Avatar); everything that can be seen and heard by the Avatar goes through the network to the staff of the house (Usar), who, in turn, directs the Avatar so that he / she acts as his / her remote body. 
Directions are given with a revolutionary graphical user interface (GUI) superimposed over the streaming video stream.

For downloading it is also available in:

30 second exposure

30 second exposure

30 second exposure



Avatars and Usary Ubiatar will gather in the UbiatarPlay market. This platform will work this way, very similar to that in the Apple store, and the GooglePlay markets where application publishers meet with customers, wanting to install / buy them. On Ubiatarplay avatars offer their presence in the place for a unique experience, and Usars can actively and pay for their service. Revenues from the market will be used to fulfill the mission of UbiatarPlay: to increase the value of the ubiatar token by the fastest and biggest way, providing honest employment opportunities to people around the world.

Human Rights Empowerment Network


Application as human - HumanApps

  The UbiatarPlay market will support a full range of small and large-scale third-party business projects called HumanApps.
   You can brand your avatar or group of your avatars, creating a name, logo, description and a set of images and graphics that will become your project page in the Human Rights Network.
   Your brand can be a business, charity, holiday group or any other legal idea or organization. When you advertise your presence and get full advertising power in your hands, you will receive more revenue and, therefore, support paid advertising. 
   It's like creating an application in an Apple store or on Google Play venues, but you can do it like HumanApp: without any encoding and with little or no money, simply organizing and promoting your offer with standard tools like social networks. It depends on your business, networking and peer-to-peer skills.

About ICO - as everything is:

Why ICO?

Blockchain not only violates the way of cost distribution, but also changes the way companies are financed. Crowdfunding with intermediaries and a centralized platform is slow and expensive and, at least, less effective. 
Instead of offering shares during an IPO, the launching of blockhouses offers TOKENS, which are property, equity or debt. 
These procedures are called ICO (Initial Coin Offerering) and allow companies to directly access the capital market.

Why Switzerland?

Switzerland has financial activities and financial sector, one of its main activities. 
Switzerland is a global player and leader of innovation, many important companies have placed their research and development departments here. 
Switzerland has a solid long-term reputation, a solid legal framework and an attitude towards security. 
Switzerland becomes a cryptotechnological ecosystem, the Swiss Federal Council wants to attract a news launch with a completely revised license for Swiss Finnish technology, and Zug is one of the most important places for developing cryptographic products with a pseudonym such as Crypto Valley, and we are one of these members

Road map

Road map.jpg

Specification of the token

Token: UAC 
Price: 1 UAC = 2 USD 
Platform: Ethereum 
Accepting: ETH 
Country: Switzerland 
Whitelist / KYC: KYC & Whitelist 
Restricted areas: USA, China

Want to know more? The information below:

about the author

Bitcointalk usermane: dhavid19 
Bitcointalk link:;u=1795848
Telegram: @dhavid19

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