Wednesday 18 April 2018

UbiatarPlay - ICO project

Table of contents: 
1) Brief description. 
2) The objectives of the project. 
3) The problem. 
4) The solution. 
5) Participants of the system. 
6) Principle of operation. 
7) Technical side of the project. 
8) Support for virtual reality (VR). 
9) Ubiatar token. 
10) ICO project. 
10.1) Allocation of funds. 
10.2) Evaluation of the project. 
11) Roadmap.

Short description

Ubiatar is a unique project that will allow users of the application to "navigate in space". The project application provides the ability to conduct live broadcasts (no, this is not an analog of Periscope, read on).
It does not matter where you are. To conduct the broadcast is enough to have a smartphone and Internet access. That is, almost any person can use it.
At the same time, for conducting the broadcast, the presenter will receive a reward in the form of project tokens (UAC), and the viewers will pay a small part for viewing and be able to control the person who is broadcasting! Thus you can visit various attractions, shops, museums, exhibitions and many interesting things.
This will depend on the users who will broadcast. Do you want to become a guide in your city? You are welcome! Run the application and go forward - tell and show the beauty of your place of residence.
Can you be an expert in any field and want to share your experience with colleagues around the world? With this application it will be possible. People will share their experience and tokens with each other, help each other both with knowledge and materially.
This is only a brief introduction, then I will take a look at all the subtleties, which are pretty much there and explain why this project is doomed to success.

You can watch the promo video Ubiatar, in order to better understand the information (in English):

Project Objectives

 Provide an opportunity for honest and easy earnings for everyone.
 Help everyone overcome physical limitations.
 Provide the opportunity to be anywhere and anytime.
 Help everyone realize their potential.
The main goal of UbiatarPlay is to increase the user base and the cost of the Ubiatar token used for all transactions.


Not everyone can afford to travel in the face of physical or financial constraints. Watch video on the Internet about the places that a person wants to visit, may be uninteresting. After all, you can not change the script, because the video is already recorded. There is no freedom of choice.
Another problem in unemployment is worldwide. Many people are out of work due to various life circumstances. It is especially difficult for people with disabilities who have limited opportunities more than others and because of this they can not realize their human potential.
People do not make sense to shoot interesting broadcasts. No one will pay their time. Therefore, there are very few good broadcasts. There is no motivation.
The example of translation from Periscope shows that it is very important that people understand each other. In this case, people ask questions, and the facilitator can not answer them.
He either does not hear, or does not understand the language, or simply ignores questions. Not to mention that he will ignore any calls for action. He does not need it. And viewers are experiencing a problem, they can not view the situation from a different angle and can not understand what is happening.


Now a smartphone and the Internet is almost every modern person. UbiatarPlay offers its solution with the help of a special application. Everyone will be able to see the places that interest him. You can even look what is under some stone or behind a tree. All thanks to a simple system of managing the person who is broadcasting.
Each of the people knows a lot of interesting things in their field of activity. Using the Ubiatar application, anyone can show what he knows. Tell us about your city, your hobby, your work, your business and anything else! In this case, as a motivation will be used tokens (UAC), which can be exchanged for real money.
The control system of the host broadcast itself is interesting for both sides. The leader does not know where to tell him to go, he is controlled by the beholder, and the supervisor is leading the leader, he can learn and see everything he wants. It turns out a kind of game that will surely attract people's interest.
Ubiatar implements a simple management technology - GUI (graphical user interface). No need to write or say anything. You just click on the action icon and the presenter performs it. Very convenient and easy!

Members of the system

There are 4 types of participants in the system:
Avatar is the person who is broadcasting. He hires (!) Usar and manages it. Shows where to go and what to do through the application.
Usar - we can say that this is a " client ". He pays for the broadcast and manages the avatar. Sends commands to it through the application. Obviously, all this is within the agreement between the avatar and Usar. And by itself, he sees and hears everything that happens in the avatar. It looks like virtual reality. I wonder how this control will look like.
ubiatar Inc is a developer company that implemented the platform, application and other technologies in the project. It is located in the USA, in the Silicon Valley. A contract was signed with UbiatarPlay sa, which is allowed to use all these technologies as a decentralized, peer-to-peer network in its market.
UbiatarPlay sa - this is the owner of the platform ( it is called, UbiatarPlay ), where Usar'y will search for Avatar'ov. The market is a search platform. Analog Google Play and App Store. Only here people will look for whom to look and whom to manage.

Principle of operation

On the platform UbiatarPlay will be collected various projects. They are called HumanApps . Similar to the application on Google Play and the App Store, but there's no need for programming knowledge. You can advertise yourself as an avatar, a group of avatars, your brand or business. To create HumanApp, you only need a set of graphics and description.
The further actions will be connected only with advertising. You can get it for free by any social means. Effectiveness will depend on your skills.
For example, you can create a museum overview in your city. Add a description and upload a couple of photos. Tell us about your event on any forum or friends. All! Now you are an online guide.
The created broadcasts appear on the map. It is very convenient to see any place on earth. Usar must choose what he is interested in and send the request to the avatar. He accepts the request and the broadcast begins!
Unfortunately, I could not connect to any of the broadcasts. The server was unavailable. This functionality is still being developed for the dextop version. You can try it on the mobile, it should work.
Here are the links: 
Google Play. 
App Store.
It's worth noting that the platform will support third-party APIs. The developers promise that it will be possible to add even sites.
The avatar will independently determine the cost of its services and the zone in which it will broadcast. And the zone can be selected as soon as, and in the future time.
For example, the avatar assigns a price of 30 UAC tokens / hour for circulation on the Roman coliseum.
Avatar and Usar evaluate each other. In accordance with the ratings, the rating increases, which affects the relevance of broadcasts. Avatar can always check the Usar rating before accepting the request.
When the broadcast begins, the platform immediately starts the report in minutes. After the broadcast for Usar'a invoice. He can file a complaint with the arbitration, which will settle this matter. then the part is transferred to the Avatar account, and the other part remains the platform in the form of a commission. Commission for one person is 50% , for a few 30% .
There is also a service for buying something and sending it to Usar. In this case, he needs to pay for the goods + shipping, the commission in this case will be 20% .
For example, Usar wants to buy a souvenir from Russia, he asks Avatar to do it. The souvenir costs $ 100 + shipping 10 $. The cost is indicated by Avatar and after that Usar confirms it. In this case, the platform picks up $ 22 (20%). Then the bill for Usar will be billed $ 100 for the goods, $ 10 shipping and $ 22 commission = $ 132. At Avatar's account, $ 121 is transferred (the commission is divided in half between Avatar and Usar, $ 11 leaves the site). He immediately buys and sends goods, will save $ 11 as a service fee (commission).

Technical side of the project

The Ubiatar network is a peer-to-peer and cloud-based system with automatic scaling. It is built on the basis of the data center Amazon Web Services. This is ideal for this system, because Amazon has very well proven itself as a reliable product with unlimited resources. We can say that the audio and video stream will be with minimal delay and without any technical problems.
The system is arranged so that when Avatar and Usar accept each other's requests, the services automatically determine the most qualitative way of transferring information between the two participants. Especially it will be effective when using Firewall and proxy. The system itself will bypass these restrictions and the user will not have to open ports and solve technical problems.
Here is the list of technologies used in Ubiatar:
1) AWS (Amazon Web Services) :
1.1) EBS - RESTFul API is an autoscaling server.
1.2) EBS - Browser client autoload server.
1.3) S3 - data storage.
1.4) ElasticRTC - Kurento media server.
1.5) Mongo Atlas - MongoDB cloud platform.
1.6) ElastiCache - Redis cloud server.
2) RESTFul server :
2.1) NodeJS (HapiJS).
2.2) MongoDB .
2.3) Redis5 .
2.4) Kurento client .
2.5) Redis5O .
3) Client Browser :
3.1) Server in NodeJS (HapiJS).
3.2) React .
3.3) Redux .
3.4) Material UI .
3.5) SocketIO .
3.6) Kurento client .
3.7) Webpack .
4) Mobile application :
4.1) iOS & Android store .
4.2) React Native .
4.3) React .
4.4) Redux .
4.5) Material UI .
4.6) SocketIO .
4.7) Kurento client .
Ubiatar supports all the most popular browsers. It can be used not only on phones with Android and iOS, but also on a home computer with Windows, Mac OS, Linux.

Virtual Reality Support (VR)

At the time of writing, the project only supports live streaming from the smartphone. With further development, such technologies as 360-degree shooting and virtual reality glasses will be introduced. This will help to immerse more in the space and atmosphere of the viewed place and get much more information.
Technologies will work with the cheapest devices to increase the availability of their use for everyone.

Ubiatar token

Token will be the only means of payment on the entire platform. Other currencies will not be supported. Thanks to this, it will be possible to establish common prices for all participants. Token can be exchanged all over the world, regardless of gender, race, social status and other discriminatory factors.
Inside each application, a wallet will be stored. It turns out several applications = a few wallets. Between them you can switch freely. You can also use the debit card Ubiatar for payments. It is sent when Avatar conducted 25 broadcasts.
The cost of 1 token = 2 $. The Token is designed on the etherium platform.
The number of stored coins will give some advantages on the platform:
1) Priority for Avatar'ov in the search for their translation. 
2) Highlighting with a special color. 
3) Stickers for the profile. 
4) Ranking boost is an increase in the display area for Usar in the broadcast. 
5) Your card will not be charged 5 coins for use per month if the number of coins is less than 100.

ICO project

I want to say that the project is in Switzerland and meets all the requirements of the legislation of this country. In Switzerland, implement various innovative projects and the government does not prevent it.
The platform is already available and no funds and ICO for its creation will be highlighted. Everything will go only to the development of the existing system. Most of the money will go to marketing the company. The Avatar fee for the broadcasts will provide an explosive growth in the popularity of the project.
The main ICO project starts on March 23 and lasts exactly a month until April 23, 2018.
Hard cap = $ 30,000,000.

Distribution of funds

50.5% of tokens will remain with the project itself and will be blocked. Unlocking will take place gradually: 
2% - 3 months after the ICO. 
4% - 6 months after the ICO. 
6% - 9 months after the ICO. 
8% a year after the ICO. 
10% - 18 months after the ICO. 
20.5% - 2 years after the ICO.
It will very well motivate the development of the project. These funds will be used to pay for Avatar, promotion of employees, marketing and introduction of new technologies.
12% will go to the founders. The funds will also be blocked and unlocked gradually, one year after the end of the ICO.
16.5% is allocated for pre-sale. The funds will be blocked. Unblocking will begin gradually, 6 months after the ICO and will continue until 12 months after the ICO.
9% - for advisers. They will be gradually unblocked until 9 months after the ICO.
The remaining 15% will go to the ICO itself.
The project has already attracted investments at the start of its development in 2016: $ 400,000 . And $ 600,000 in 2017, at an exhibition in Las Vegas. These funds went to Amazon service, personnel, application and coin project UAC.

Project Evaluation

The project is not zero. The finished platform and product already talk about further development. Creators plan to constantly increase the value of the token. Consider the evaluation of outside experts.
On ICObench - the most authoritative resource for ICO evaluation, the score of Ubiatar was as much as 4.6 points ! The project was evaluated by six experts! This is an excellent result. You can view their comments on the site . Especially praise the team of professionals and the finished product.
The Google search engine has a lot of reviews about this project, which indicates its popularity.
On Youtube as many video reviews. People are interested in this project.
Age of the site is 8 months. The site is not new.


Step 1:

In 2017, there was a first step in the development of the project. The Ubiatar technology was developed and distributed throughout the world. The technology was presented at the CES in Las Vegas, which attracted investors' interest very much. At CES 2018 and 2019, the ICO of this project will be presented.

Step 2 (first quarter of 2018):

Collection of resources in 2018 for the development and development of the project.

Step 3 (second quarter of 2018):

The software for the market will be developed: 
1) List of users from social networks with images. 
2) Locations on the world map. 
3) Description of services and restrictions. 
4) Ranking. 
5) Development and integration of the system itself.
Also, the project will be presented at CES in 2018.

Step 4 (second quarter of 2018):

Development of a purse and debit card Visa / MasterCard.

Step 5 (third quarter of 2018):

The beginning of advertising the market, dissemination of information about it. Purpose: 10,000 registrations in the first 3 months. Significant increase in income. Burning a token to increase its value. The introduction of virtual reality (VR) technology.

Step 6 (third quarter of 2018):

Special investments in 1000+ avatars. Payments will be paid directly from UbiatarPlay. Sponsors will partially or completely cover those amounts of tokens that will be transferred to the avatars. Some broadcasts will be free, which will give an opportunity to see even more places on the planet.

Step 7 (fourth quarter of 2018):

Various contests will be held for the publication of interesting works. This will further increase the attraction of people to UbiatarPlay.

Step 8 (first quarter 2019):

Abandon Amazon services and develop your own system AvatarEcommerceServices. This project will be presented in Las Vegas at CES in 2019.

Project links:

Social networks:
Bitcointalk user name: dhavid19 
Bitcointalk profile url:;u=1795848

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