Friday 27 April 2018

NollyCoin ICO Review 

 Nollycoin is the first digital currency designed to use blockchain technology to solve a wide range of problems and complexities at various stages of film financing, creation and distribution of the creative works in Nollywood, world’s 2nd most prolific Movie industry and other 3rd world movie industries. Using Nollycoin, movie producers and their collaborators can license their content as a “coded contract” directly to a decentralized database called a “blockchain”. I have tracked the records of various members of the team and I can say that they are incredibly professional.
I personally have done a lot of digging on Nollycoin and I am yet to find any major red flag that would make me give up on investing in their ICO. Knowing how much the core members of the team have sacrificed to build everything from the ground up gives me more hope about the company as a whole.
Nollycoin group, completely, every one of its representatives work for the advantage of the organization and are constantly prepared to help in any matter. They are dependably in touch and don’t dismiss any issue. For sure, at the present moment when we are discussing ICO ventures this reality is very critical.
All models made by the Nollycoin advancement group are freely accessible, at the present time you can acclimate yourself with and experiment with this platform.
Nollycoin group takes an interest in each conceivable crypto, blocking gatherings, and finish up genuine contracts.
Let’s talk about their product and what kind of Solutions they provide.
Nollytaiment Project
The Nollytainment project is a new and revolutionary Peer-To-Peer creative works sharing and registry System for the Movie industry in the 3rd world countries, particularly Africa.
Nollycoin allows movie producers and their collaborators to license their content as a “coded contract” directly to a decentralized database called a “blockchain”. Nollycoin is the first digital currency designed to use blockchain technology to solve a wide range of problems and complexities at various stages of film financing, creation and distribution of the creative works in Nollywood, world’s 2nd most prolific Movie industry and other 3rd world movie industries. At its core, the blockchain is a distributed ledger that can validate and register transactions without the need for a central authority.
Some Of The Movie Industry Problems Nollytainment Will Solve Nollycoin
Some of the direct and immediate ways the Nollycoin project will address specific problems in the industry include:
Provide A Peer to Peer Content Distribution Platform that provides direct micro-payments to content owner s and
Provide Access to Financing and Capital to 3rd World Movie Producers to produce qualitative movies for the international market.
Provide Copyright piracy protection through a decentralized ledger system
Provide Multi-Level World Wide di st r ibut ion to just ify financial investment
Enable Fa i r Compens at ion for collaborators in creating the movies
Provide Universal means of exchange for Nollywood and 3rd world movies that eliminates forex payment problems and limitations.
Provide top Financial Backing for some of the best Producers in the Nollywood to produce quality international films for enjoyment of our ecosystem and global group of African movie lovers
With both NollyTV and Nollycoin working in tandem in a new Nollytainment ecosystem, new permanent solutions are now applied to age-old problems in the movie industry as follows:
With NollyTV Platform, Creative Artistes can now list their contents under a smart contract that recognized the agreed-upon compensation structure and copyrights of all collaborators in the movie production process
All Creative contributors get paid directly by buyers without any 3rd party intervention
Movie Viewers and buyers will make direct micro payments to different creative copyright content owners’ wallets, the decentralized ledger will verify transactions and beneficiaries, and everyone recognized in the smart contract will all get paid simultaneously without any 3rd party involvement
Collaborators copyright and compensation rights under the smart contract can NEVER be altered or changed by anyone and no 3rd parties will be needed to enforce it.
Purpose Of The Nolly Coin
The following the purpose of Nolly Coin:
Provide copyright protection and solve piracy issues
Provide universal means of exchange for Nollywood movies
Provide top financial backing for some of the best Producers in the Nollywood to
Provide multi-level world wide distribution to justify financial investment
To provide access to financing and capital to product qualitative movies
Enable fair compensation for collaborators in creating the movies
Nollycoin also offers a lot of win-win opportunities to stakeholder in the Entertaimen industry except the pirates and copyright thieves. Here are some solution and opportunities that nollycouon is bringing into the intertaiment ecosystem
Hard working movie producer win
Collaborators and creative artistes in the movie production chain win
Movie financiers and stakeholder in each complete movie win
Open and transparent record-keeping ledger for all stakeholder
Big open data on Nollycoin blockchain can also lead to more intelligent movies and othe creative work recomendation
Short-Term Projects Over Next 12 Months
Nollycoin hve short-term project that is:
Nollycoin wallet : an application used to store and transact Nollycoin with other users.
Nolly trading exchange : a peer-to-peer crypto currency exchange.
Finance of movies : Nollycoin token is conceived and designed as a pass-key to our Nollywood based products.
Future Projects
Nollycoin have future projects after 1st year that is:
Nollytainment shopping mall
Nollytainment mobile tv
Nollycoin vouchers
Nollytainment tours
The 3 Core objectives behind the Nollycoin Token sale are:
To build a blockchain powered peer-to-peer Content Delivery Platform with Nollycoin as the primary medium of exchange.
Along with raising funds for our next-generation content distribution platform, we are also using our token sale to set up a fund for creating and acquiring a slate of exclusive interna Blockbuster films to attract users to our platform.
To provide opportunities for our project supporters with opportunities to acquire tokens that will provide tangible utility for them beyond the normal holding and trading activities in the tokens they get for supporting our project.
The main selling points of theNollytainment/Nollycoininitiative are as follows:
Nollytainment brings innovative Solutions to major problems that have limited the potential and expansion of Nollywood and 3RD World movie Industries.
Nollytainment Team of Founders, Executives and Advisory Boards include top executives with decades of experience in managing major business projects and in bringing timely and innovative solutions to different indust r ies including Entertainment, Business, and Stock Trading etc.
Nollytainment have put together a solid Team and Network of Partners with Creative Talents and Movie Executive experience to help us achieve the vision
Nollytainment have put together a solid Technical Team in Web development and Cryptocurrency and who have been involved in all levels of the cryptocurrency world, including mining, token development, trading, and networking with like-minded individuals and communities.
Nollytainment main selling points
The main selling points of the Nollytainment/Nollycoininitiative are as follows:
Nollytainment brings innovative Solutions to major problems that have limited the potential and expansion of Nollywood and 3RD World movie Industries.
Nollytainment Team of Founders, Executives and Advisory Boards include top executives with decades of experience in managing major business projects and in bringing timely and innovative solutions to different industries including Entertainment, Business, and Stock Trading etc.
Nollytainment have put together a solid Team and Network of Partners with Creative Talents and Movie Executive experience to help us achieve the vision
Nollytainment have put together a solid Technical Team in Web development and Cryptocurrency and who have been involved in all levels of the cryptocurrency world, including mining, token development, trading, and networking with like-minded individuals and communities.
Nollytainment have a Solid Marketing Plan And Marketing Team with requisite experience to increase the value and utility of our Project — Our current association and partnership with Top Influencers in African Movies on Social Media have combined followership of over 50,000,000 followers.
What is ICO and Cryptocurrency?
ICO is crowdfunding via use of cryptocurrency, which can be a source of capital for startup or existing companies. In an ICO a percentage of the newly issued cryptocurrency is sold to investors in exchange for legal tender or other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.
Why you should invest on Early Stage?
Early stage and existing companies might worth extremely low and have huge potential to fast-growing. Smart startup companies today can scale up hundreds of time faster than they could just a few years back. There’s never been better time to invest. This opportunity now available not only for venture capital or institutional investors, but for retail investors and for you too.
NollyCoin Tokens.
NollyCoin Tokens is a valuable digital asset, which will be used at the biggest crypto currency markets. With the help of ICO NollyCoin plans to attract the investment resources at a wide range. As suppose, the token sale will be interesting for the owners of digital assets, who would like to transfer them into the more secured investment tool and not to tremble anytime they hear the news about the possible Bitcoin rate falling.
All tasks on the NollyCoin platform are executed utilizing NollyCoin Tokens. This is the platform’s local token. NollyCoin Network needs its own particular token in order to stay away from over-utilized and spamming of the Ethereum arrange.
In other to participate in the ICO, follow these steps below:
Purchase the tokens: NollyCoin will issue a number of tokens during the ICO.
Receive dividend payments: As a token holder, you have the right to receive payments equivalent to shareholder dividends.
Convert your tokens into shares: As a token holder, you also have the right to convert your tokens into Ordinary Shares
Crowd Sale Details
The crowd sale of NollyCoin Tokens will consist of five 5 different stages based on time and date. The Following is a chart depicting the pricing
1 NOLLY = 0.000025
Eth Minimum Participation Purchase: 0.10 ETH [3,200 NOLLY] T
Total Softcap ~ 2,000 ETH
Total Hardcap ~ 6,000 ETH
Total Token Allocation: 500,0,00,000
Total Offered For Sale: 350,000, 00, 0 [70%]
Total Reserved For Founders: 97,500,000 [19.5%]
Total Reserved For Partners : 27,500,000 [5.5%]
Total For Bounties/Airdrops: 25,000,000 [5.0%]
Minimum cap : $2,000,000
Maximum cap : $6,000,000
Technical Development Team
Business And Strategy Advisory Board
Movie Directors Advisory Team
For More Info:
Author: dhavid19 
Bitcointalk Address:;u=1795848

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