Monday 16 April 2018

BitNautic is a decentralized maritime transport platform.

What is BitNautic

BitNautic is a decentralized platform based on the block system and designed for organizing various shipping operations. Owners of maritime transport will be able to register their vessel on the platform, exporters and importers and other users can select from the list a suitable flight and transport their cargo. Along with this, blocking technology provides convenient and secure transactions.

Main features:

  • The market of maritime transport and customers in a single platform.
  • Booking of cargo transportation for several minutes directly on the platform.
  • All transactions and prices in the system are denoted in a single crypto currency- BTNT
  • A system for tracking ships and cargo in real time.
  • The ability to sell and buy directly on the e-commerce platform.
  • Exclusive offers and discounts for regular users.
  • Smart card BitNautic will enable you to store different currencies in one place and pay for any purchases

BitNautic usage examples

  • Reservation of a place for cargo. BitNautic provides the most convenient way to select a suitable flight. To do this, importers, exporters, consumers, courier delivery companies and other users, having registered on the platform and specifying the necessary data, will be able to make a choice from the available options automatically integrated by the system. The user can also hire a broker if necessary.
  • Putting your vessel into the platform base. Owners of ships on the site or using a mobile application will be able to bring the ship to the platform lists. Depending on the specifications of the orders, the owner will receive proposals. If agreed, the contract will be enforced, payments will be made automatically on the basis of the block.
  • Hiring an agent. Users who organize cargo transportation will be able to contact each other directly through the platform. They will also be able to connect a broker to perform all the necessary work instead of them.
  • Registration of goods on the platform of electronic commerce. Both the website and the mobile application will have a product platform. After the user adds his product and its details, the platform will check it for accuracy and place it in the list.

Tokens BitNautic and Crowdsdale (sale)

Tokens BitNautic coins (BTNC) is a BitNautic platform utility needed to execute all transactions on the platform. Tokens are created on the basis of Ethereum (Ethereum) and can be stored in any electronic purse that supports the ERC20 standard (Mist, MyEtherWallet, MetaMask)
  • Ticker (short name): BTNT
  • Type of the token: ERC20
  • Total cap (total): 50,000,000 BTNT
  • Tokens for sale: 35,000,000 BTNT (70%)
  • Soft cap (minimum target): 5,000 ETH
  • Hard cap (maximum target): 50,000 ETH
  • Price: 1 ETH = 500 BTNT
  • Date presale (pre-sale): 15/04/2018 -15/05/2018
  • Crowdsdale (Sale): 05/16/2018 -15/07/2018
  • Minimum Purchase: 0.05 ETH
  • Unsold tokens will be destroyed, additional tokens will not be created.
Prepared by: dhavid19;u=1795848
ETH Wallet: 0x2e0aE95a7871c8A38A513981904410d07DD96231 

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