Saturday 21 April 2018

Africaunia - providing global banking and financial services

Information technologies play a special role in global changes in the banking business.
Recently, information and technological systems are used mainly to automate the collection and processing of banking information, less often for planning and control in banks and are seen as a means of reducing manual labor and reducing bank costs. Today, information technology has become the driving force behind radical structural changes in the banking business. They overcame space and time, each time opening an outlet to the bank in remote geographic markets.
At the same time, the traditional competitive advantage of the bank - long-term and multifaceted contacts with developed subscriber and branch networks - has partially lost its significance. There is a new level of customers who want to use Internet banking services. The nature of the banking communication with this client is very different from the traditional one. Modern multimedia tools provide interactive virtual banking communications with customers, which gradually replace the personal connection with it. On-line technology that provides market transparency allows customers to choose the most profitable service for them without much effort and time, which reduces the banks' chances of maneuvering prices. But many people around the world do not have access to banking services, credit cards and debit cards and other issues (systemic risk, confidentiality of data, financial exclusion and slow competition). Sometimes it is necessary.
All these problems can complete the project called "Africaunia" - a bank account on a block basis.
AFRICUNIA sets a global goal - to reduce the gap between phiath and crypto-currencies. The team assumes that AFRICUNIA will become the first African crypto bank. Why African? The answer is simple - it is this region that lags behind technically and economically from the whole world. A very large percentage of the population of African countries has never addressed the bank in their lives, and even more so, does not have bank accounts. The reasons are often found in the difficult availability of this kind of services for citizens. AFRICUNIA will allow the inhabitants of Africa to enjoy the full range of banking services and even a little more. In addition to creating an account or transferring money to another user, AFRICUNIA intends to use the wide advantages of blocking technology.
ICO marker details Token 

symbol / coin symbol: afcash 
Token / coin amount: 500,000,000 (five hundred million afkash). 
Circulation Proposal: 500,000,000 (five hundred million Afkash). 
Marker / coin price : 1 afcash = $ 0.10 usd. 
Unsold tokens: any unsold token will be burned
Total Revenue: At the end of each financial year, 20% of the profits of the African Bank will be distributed among all holders of our token (afcash) based on the share of each owner of the total number of tokens issued, and this will be automatically paid to our coin users in their wallets. In other words, you are eligible to receive income from africunia. Consider this as a passive income.
To learn more about AFRICUNIA, you can visit some of the official sites below:
Author: dhavid19;u=1795848

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