Friday 23 March 2018

Tipper: Bringing the Change from Within

Give it a thought, is it possible to have all our dreams get fulfilled? No, right? There are always certain obligations that stops us and sometime, the situation. So, what is the possible solution for this? Strictly speaking, the world is a better place now. It no more resembles things and facts that went down the road few years back. There has been an advancement in almost all the sectors now and this has helped people in a larger mass. Talking of "having your dreams getting fulfilled", why not? Today, there is no such hindrance that can stop one to lay their foot in the direction they wish to. Earning money is not that easy but definitely not too tough either (like the old times). The digital currencies are experienced a growth back in the future but today, there are a lot of limitations bounded within. However, the fact that digital currencies cannot be replaced remains logical. If we see the present situation of the economy, there is a need of blockchain that excels in its performance and is much better than what we have now. Time now is to see the future which lies in the hands of us. Wondering, how? Well, by adopting the concept of advanced digital currencies that are sure to open up the future with tons of opportunities. Also, to lend a supporting hand comes Tipper, which is a blockchain protocol that ensures to turn all the present dreams that we have into reality.

Let us know more

The talk here is about the Internet that is used openly for surfing and getting engaged in various social networking websites. Obviously, this helps in making an interaction but is it the only use that the Internet serves us with?

Presently, all these social media networks are under the full control of some powerful and strong owners. This makes it totally centralized. This has eventually led to issues like: more cost for maintenance and so on.

The solution that Tipper aims to knock is by providing a peer-to-peer platform that can be used as a support. This will wipe off centralization as well as bring down the maintenance cost. Tipper aims at establishing four pillars on which it will rest in future. They are: Tipping, Content Investing, Branded Tips, and Momentization.

Apart from all this, Tipper also wants to give the "Internet" world a turn. Today, Internet has become one of our favourite pass time. Honestly speaking, we use it just to drench out the maximum benefit out of it. Somehow, it has become a fundamental way of living our daily lives. Without Internet, things appear scary and beyond control now. So, all that Tipper wants to do is bring a change. The quantity of time and energy that we put in social media, can be easily converted to serve us some advantage. This advantage is called economic opportunity. Tipper looks to use the time, energy, and resources that we put in social media to bring out an economic platform where there is opportunities for one and all.

ICO Details

The ICO of Tipper is currently active. The ICO will use a total of 700 Million tokens during the sale. However, the token sale will use 200 Million. During the pre-sale, the conversion rate that will follow counts to 1 TIPER = 0.20 USD. The value will increase in the main sale corresponding 1 TIPR to 0.25 USD. The hard cap of the sale is 50 Million USD and the soft cap amounts to 15 Million USD. Bonus stays for the early birds and they can participate in the token sale now to get hands on good early bonus.

Final Thoughts

The thought that Tipper aims to inject in our brain is, "when we are using Internet every day, why not use it for something productive". This is surely one of the noble causes that Tipper has in its mind. Using the time, resources, energy, and cost that we put in on Internet and the social world can bring us loads of advantages too. For starters, an economic ecosystem. Well, the chances for tipper to shine bright in the coming future is definitely high. With four pillars on its back, Tipper is sure to make an accomplishment in the next couple of years.

Important links:

Website :

Whitepaper :

Author's Btalk profile:;u=1795848

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