Tuesday 27 March 2018


PHI Token is the world's first asset management company on Blockchain, disrupting a $ 90 billion market by Diaman Capital Limited with 16 years of experience in the financial market.
Department of real estate management For a long time, the reality for so long, wealth
Management industry worldwide has thrived thanks to high profits
created from twenty years of bonds and from American profits
Emerging markets and securities markets. This convenient demonstration combined with our customers' financial literacy has allowed us to create and maintain a high cost and efficiency in the distribution and management of financial instruments. financial products. The future of the financial market and its rate of operation, is not promising. With bond returns keeping a zero or even negative value and the stock market carries a positive growth for nearly a decade, it is unlikely that the industry will be able to sustain the cents. so direction. With income
Predictably low, it becomes clear. That the industry will not be able to cover the high cost of inefficiency.
In addition, the pressure is increased from Fintech companies, such as
Robo Advisors, is gaining a special market share in the United States.
Key issues should be addressed below:
1) High costs are mainly due to shortage of models and abundant labor;
2) Limited access to many investment opportunities, resulting in poor results
for customers;
3) Sell the captured products without enforcement between the asset managers.
DIAMAN Partners LTD intends to create the first platform for Createthe
(PHI), which allows investment in all types of assets and investment vehicles including bile assets. Its purpose is to provide customers with a complete digital platform on which to manage all of their savings and investments. However, it is transitioning into the wealth of human closed managers. a basic role in
Identify the real needs of customers and in managing their emotions to avoid the classic behavioral financial bugs. The platform will be the Hybrid platform for
Hybrid Investments, in other words, digital process management with seasoned
Professional to interact with customers.The PHI platform will address critical issues of Industrial Finance Management due to the following reasons:
- It will reduce the commercial supply chain by digitizing and saving the cost of providing investment services.
- It will allow you to invest in a variety of investments, including Crypto. The property represents a great investment opportunity.
- It will make a comparison between Asset Management and Network Management by stimulating competition and thus bringing better returns to customers.
By combining the principles that emerge from the Crypto world, digitizing
the processes (point 1), on non-uniform sharing and sharing (point 2), and innovation
and competition (point 3), DIAMANPartners intends to share the project with
the Crypto community by distributing PHITOKEN for the purpose of financing the project.
Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that those people trust the project and the people
Work on it to share its success
- The DIAMAN SCF parent company has been working on the digital project platform for more than a year with the somemodules that have been implemented: MiFID II complies with the Risk Assessment Questionnaire, the Financial Planning module and quantitative motor management models, some of which have a real track record of up to 15 years of history.
Overview of PHI Token (TGE)
The Token Generation (TGE) event will be implemented in three phases: Pre-sales will allow
You set PHI Tokens with a strong discount, to promote the big secret exchanges to list the PHI Token on their platform, for a maximum of 3,524,578 Tokens; Phase II Pre-ICO will allow you to purchase a maximum of 3,524,578 Tokens at a discount of 21% while the ICO will be shipped with discounted discounts and a maximum of 7,881,196 Tokens will be made available.
PHI Token rewards
The PHI Tokens will have three main features to increase the value of PHI Tokens over time:
PHI Tokens as Stake: Anyone who wants to use the components of this platform, such as asset managers and financial planners, must own and deactivate credit cards. of PHI;
PHI Tokens as Payment: A mixed investment and financial software development program that accepts payment in PHI Tokens provides a 30% refund, thus encouraging people to pay Tokens instead of money. The company sent a patent to increase the relationship between PHITOKEN and business results.
3) PHI Tokens Acquisition and Registration: 15% of the performance fee
is generated by the platform and 50% of the annual tax refund is obtained from
The Malta tax payment (corresponding to 15% of EBIDTA of the company) will
Used to purchase PHI Tokens change and will be revoked,
Producing a scarce effect will produce continuous growth over time.
One of the key success factors of an asset management system is trust. In order to facilitate this trust, PHI will implement a Resource Management System (BDMM) to ensure that what has been agreed has been archived and stored and ensures that documents can not. changed. The main purpose of BDMS is to ensure the authenticity of all documents in the system after 3 main principles
- Immutability: Ensure that when the document is added to the repositoryit can not be modified
- Authenticity: A document must be verified by someone who has access to it
- Timestamp: A reasonable assurance on the date the document was added to the repo
The focus of this repository will be on a variety of materials, including but not limited to:
• Contract
• Consultation Recommendations
- This will intentionally blank the patent of the creative process
is sent.

Road map

- The completion of the technology project is expected by the end of 2018,
These are outstanding works from the perspective of TGE and from the perspective of different backgrounds:
The board of directors of the company will consist of three persons, Daniele Bernardi, president
and CEO of the company, Francesco CainCFO and Alex Vella.COO. The team to implement PHITOKEN has been incorporated into the amazing standout characters, who have had international experience, some will partner with DIAMAN Partners after the ICO.

Overview of PHI token sale

The maximum amount of PHI Tokensto issued is 24,157,817, Buy
PHI cards are non-refundable.
Token prices
Buyers in selling PHI Tokens will be allocated their PHI Tokens in exchange for
for ETH in the following proportions:
• PHI Token in pre-sales (up to 3,524,578
PHI Tokens): $ 0.61803 per PHI Token;
• PHI Token in previous ICO (up to 3,524,578
PHI Tokens): $ 1.27824 per PHI Token;
• PHI Token in the ICO period: $ 1.61803
Each PHI Token.
Buyers must have an Ethereum Wallet to support the ERC-20 token standard in order to receive any TOKENS PHI purchased from the Company.
Point of sale of PHI PHI information cards can be purchased constant ETH in the following day: ICO start date: March 3, 2018. ICO year of provision:
Five days (until March 8) .PHI Tokens ICO Start date: March 8, 2018. ICO: thirteen days (to March 21).
- After PHI Token Sale
Buyers should not have any influence over the management of the Company.
- More about team and more about PHI tokens:
bitcointalk name: dhavid,
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1795848 ,

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