Thursday, 31 May 2018

MPCX - Dijital Servet Yönetim Platformu - İnceleme

Dalam jangka pendek, MPCX akan membentuk ekosistem terdesentralisasi blok-rantai-sentris untuk mengelola portofolio aset kriptografi investor inovatif. Bergantung pada kondisi pasar saat ini, kami memutuskan untuk membuat Platform MPCX dengan permintaan besar untuk layanan dan solusi manajemen keuangan yang sangat terbatas. Platform ini dirancang untuk melayani kebutuhan individu dan entitas dalam manajemen aset digital, pertukaran dan perdagangan kripto-uang. perbankan digital, penelitian kriptografi dan promosi ICO dan kriptografi.
Platform MPCX akan dikembangkan dalam tiga tahap:
Januari 2017 - Desember 2018 - platform manajemen aset digital
Desember 2018 - November 2019 - pertukaran mata uang crypto
Desember 2019 - 2020 - perbankan digital dan platform manajemen aset teregulasi
Platform akan membawa semua layanan kriptografis berikut di satu tempat:
Sebagai tempat tinggal pelanggan digital sepenuhnya untuk mengurangi biaya dan menyediakan pelanggan dengan layanan berwajah guru.
100 penukaran crypto-money digital crypto-denominated lenders, dengan nilai pasar.
Pembayaran kripto, transaksi, dan solusi perbankan.
Solusi penyimpanan dan dompet untuk memastikan bahwa dana pelanggan disimpan dengan aman.
Tiga indeks investasi crypto, dana AI crypto, crypto ETN, ICOs.
Solusi Perdagangan MPCX akan memberikan akses penuh ke platform produk dan pertukaran crypto, sistem arbitrase, terminal perdagangan, dan pelaporan.
Platform Pengelolaan Kekayaan Digital akan menawarkan Otoritas Investasi Cerdas digital, penyeimbangan portofolio otomatis, strategi pinjaman kriptografi, dan pelaporan.
Platform presentasi dan penelitian ICO MPCX akan memberikan dua tingkat akses ke ICO dengan cakupan industri penuh.
Platform pinjaman kriptografi MPCX juga akan memasukkan peringkat pemberi pinjaman dan kredit berbasis kredit.
Road Map
Kami memiliki rencana ambisius untuk mengganggu dan mengubah sektor keuangan dan kami bertujuan untuk mencapainya dalam tiga tahap.
Tahap Pertama: Platform Manajemen Kekayaan Digital (DWM)
1Q - 2017: Penelitian dan verifikasi Ide
4Q - 2017: Solusi Infrastruktur Pertama dengan aset crypto
Desember - 2017: Proses persiapan ICO dimulai
Mei - 2018: Kontainer Kargo ICO Depan 1 000 ETH
Juli - 2018: ICO Round Front ICO Pertama: Hard Cover 12 500 ETH dan versi MVP sebelum Q2
Desember 2018: Otoritas Investasi Cerdas Digital, 3 Crypto Investment Index, AI Crypto Fund, Crypto ETN, Penitipan dan Dompet, ICO
Tahap Dua: Pertukaran dan Perdagangan Cryptocurrency MPCX:
Desember - 2018: Penutupan keras ICO putaran kedua ETH 25 000
2Q - 2019: Pertukaran Crypto Digital
4Q - 2019: Terminal Perdagangan MPCX
Tahap Ketiga: MPCX Banking, Pengaturan Kekayaan yang Diatur dan Pinjaman Kripto P2P:
Desember - 2019: Penutupan keras ICO putaran ketiga ETH 40 000
2Q - 2020: Pembayaran dan Solusi Perbankan
4Q - 2020: Pengelolaan Kekayaan yang Diatur
2Q - 2021: Platform Pinjaman MPCX P2P
Produk unik MPCX di tahap pertama MPCX Investable Crypto Index:
Kami akan menawarkan solusi untuk meningkatkan diversifikasi investor, produktivitas dan pengembalian portofolio dengan menciptakan tiga indeks crypto-investable.
Indeks Crypto Kami Yang Dapat Diperdagangkan:
Indeks Crypto Large Cap Index (CLT) memegang sepuluh pasar teratas dengan nilai pasar
Indeks Mid Cap Index (M20T) memegang dua puluh tertinggi berikutnya dalam hal nilai pasar
Indeks Crypto Eksposur Faktor Beta Cerdas (SBCI)
Pesanan langganan kontrak cerdas mendapat -> verifikasi pelanggan -> NAV ComputedCut Off -> Eksekusi kontrak pintar
dengan kode -> Pesan ditempatkan. Total waktu: sekitar 1 jam
Otomatisasi ini menghilangkan risiko kesalahan dan korupsi data dan secara signifikan mengurangi biaya.
Otoritas Investasi Cerdas Digital (DSIM).
DSIM profil semua jenis status unik serta toleransi risiko crypto klien, tujuan investasi crypto dan cakrawala investasi serta kebutuhan likuiditas crypto serta tujuan penciptaan kekayaan kripto umum.
Berdasarkan roboadvisor DSIM, kami menawarkan solusi portofolio khusus. Portofolio dapat dijalankan secara otomatis atau pelanggan dapat melakukan perubahan dan melakukannya secara manual.
MPCX Finansalları:
Ada beberapa kategori pendapatan utama.
Diperkirakan sumber pendapatan masing-masing adalah tahun kedua, ketiga, dan keempat:
Proyeksi arus kas:
Struktur penjualan token XDMC
Co-authoring adalah proses di mana aset nyata atau digital dan hak terkait dicatat dalam buku blockchain tertentu. Secara teknis, ikon adalah unit nilai terdaftar.
Total struktur pasokan token XDMC:
Struktur distribusi koin XDMC Generik:
Distribusi Token XMC menurut tahapan:
Penting: Setelah setiap 3 ICON Pembulatan dijual XDMC token akan didistribusikan secara proporsional di antara para peserta ICON (Silakan menemukan informasi lebih lanjut di whitepaper MPCX).
Premi Pre-ICO khusus
Semua bonus dikumpulkan (misalnya, jika Anda telah kembali dengan ETH 200 atau setara hingga hari ke-5, dan investasi Anda akan berada di ETH 200 pertama, bonus Anda adalah 70% (35% untuk investasi awal dan 35% untuk disimpan).
Bonus untuk dukungan awal:
ETH 200 pertama diinvestasikan sebelum hari ke-5 = 30% bonus
300 ETH berikutnya diinvestasikan pada hari sebelum10. Hari = Bonus 20%
300 ETH berikutnya diinvestasikan 15 hari yang lalu. = Bonus 10%
Bonus untuk jumlah investasi, ETH:
150 Berinvestasi dalam ETH atau lebih = 35% bonus
100 Berinvestasi dalam ETH atau lebih = Bonus 20%
20 Berinvestasi dalam ETH atau lebih = Bonus 10%
10 Berinvestasi dalam ETH atau lebih = Bonus% 05
Ile XDMC Beli: BTC, ETH, Waves, LTC, Zcash

Profile bitcointalk :;u=1795848
penulis :dhavid19 

Sunday, 27 May 2018

AFRICUNIA, Banking and Financial Services

AFRICUNIA is registered in the UK as AFRICUNIA LIMITED, which offers banking and financial services worldwide. It features an innovative banking model that allows the use of digital currencies without the risks and technical barriers associated with transfer and cryptographic ownership and token trading. The technology to create peer-to-peer banks and cryptocurrencies is called Afcash. If ICO is successful, Africunia will become a digital financial institution that can be accessed from anywhere, this being a very important feature, since a very large percentage of the population of African countries has never turned to the bank in their lives, and even more, does not have bank accounts. The reasons often lie in the difficult availability of such services for citizens. AFRICUNIA will allow the people of Africa to enjoy the full range of banking services and even a little more. In addition to creating an account or transferring money to another user, AFRICUNIA intends to use the extensive advantages of blocking technology. 

The AFCASH platform will be a one-stop solution for asset managers who want to create and manage the appropriate funds. In essence, it will implement the benefits of Blockchain technology throughout the world of traditional investment. If you ever hesitate to use Blockchain technology for a classic investment, AFCASH AFRICA will be your solution. It combines all aspects of tokenized vehicle investment from technology to infrastructure to legal compliance to create responsible "cryptomontas". Visualize a bank that offers the best financial and investment services available to everyone without limitations, where you can securely store and manage your cryptographic assets, and where you can make transactions and exchanges securely and quickly.  
To stay within the limits of conventional banking, we will use the API (Authorized Paying Agent) to use the appropriate standards of service and innovation. 
The basis of AFRICUNIA BANK is an increase in the capital invested in accordance with the client's development which in turn maximises profits. In addition, as network security, our network architecture is decentralized. Therefore, the instrument should link data storage, cryptographic encryption and security mechanisms for identification, authentication and authorization of individuals or enterprises. However, data processing is performed using the applied AI algorithm. On this page there are some of our technologies.


"vision for the new standard of tokenized investment platforms that will help bridge the gap between the fiat and crypto universes. At its core, Africunia will focus on all aspects of investment vehicles with records ranging from technology and infrastructure to legal compliance and corporate structuring. 


  • Provide instant, low-cost international payments using Blockchain technology, similar to SWIFT BIC. 
  • Provide financial assistance to financial institutions to transfer money to international banks in real time over various multi-level networks. 
  • Provide technology that meets standards and safety. 
  • Implementation of Digital Pass technology, which will serve as an automation and digitalization system, providing one-click access to financial and industrial services. 
  • Development of the first POS (Point of Sale) system based on cryptography.


  • Improved transparency.
  • Promote sustainable investment of funds.
  • Develop a standardized platform.
  • Offering the best of the world of Fiat and Kryptomoney.
  • Scalable fund development.
  • Market-leading compliance. 

Benefits for investors

  • New opportunities to access universe assets without leaving the cryptographic world.
  • Unprecedented diversification opportunities due to the low correlation between fiduciary and cryptographic assets.
  • Access to investment opportunities that can reduce the risk profile to complement and balance existing speculative exposures.
  • Provision of higher net, profitable returns for a fund token structure.
  • Access to new asset classes on the Africunia platform.
Africunia creates its own chip called Afcash, based on the Etherium, which supports the ERC-20 standard. Afcash will serve as a means of exchange, as ordinary currencies. This digital currency, owned by Africunia, will facilitate banking transactions, as it forms a link between physical and digital financial transactions. Although its main objective is to help Fiat coins in Africa, it will also serve as a bridge between Africa and the rest of the world. 


Token: AFCASH 
Platform: Etereum 
Type: ERC20 
Price in the ICO: 1 AFCASH = 0.10 USD 
Acceptance: BTC, ETH, XRP, LTC, Miota, Various, Fiat 
Distributed in ICO: 50%. 
Soft Cover: 2,000,000 USD 
Hardcover: 50,000,000 USD 
Tokens for sale: 500 000 000 000 


  • Public donors will be allocated 50% of AFCASH.
  • Company bookings will receive 30% of AFCASH. The reserves will form part of the company's revenue stream and the core business team if necessary.
  • The remaining 20% of AFCASH will be established. Established members of Africunia and its advisors, partners and activists: 15% (Founder of Africunia); 3% (advisor and partner); 2% (Campaigner). These funds will not be exchanged immediately to further motivate the core team after the distribution period.

How to participate in ICO

  • Buy credit cards or direct debit cards to cash on the website...
  • Use fiduciary currency NAIRA, USD, EURO and POUNDS STERING with debit card / credit card and SWIFT transfer.
  • Buy directly from our website platform.


10th July 2017 to 1st January 2018

Research & Experiment

Researching and experimenting with the APCA will be our first step in the Africunia Journey.Our developers will develop dummy prototype of Blockchain system based on APCA and test it for correctness, consensus, and utility. We are already researching and experimenting with the APCA and its application in Blockchain. This phase will run up to 1st January 2018. 

1 December 2017 to 31 December 2017


The AFCASH pre-order will open on 1st December 2017 and run for 4 weeks up to 31st December 2017. We are targeting 500 Million AFCASH tokens with a yearly circulating supply of 500 Million. 

1st January 2018 to 31st May 2018


will start on 1st January 2018 and run for 5 months up to 31st may 2018. 

1st March 2018 to 31st March 2018. 


At this stage, we will develop a Blockchain prototype that will help to eliminate ambiguities and enhance accuracy with our AFCASH crypto. We expect this step to take 4 weeks and will run from 1st March 2018 to 31st March 2018. 

1st April 2018 to 30th April 2018


A beta version of our AFCASH crypto will be developed to help developers understand the ecosystem better as further ambiguities are eliminated. We expect this phase to take a maximum of 4 weeks.Therefore, this phase will run from 1st April 2018 to 30th April 2018

1st May 2018 to 21th May 2017.


We will test the system as a whole and ensure it is working properly and is interoperable with existing systems. This stage will take a maximum of 3 weeks and will run from 1st May 2018 to 21st May 2018.

31st May 2018


We expect the complete Blockchain Technology to be finished by 31st May 2018.

1st June 2018


We hope to launch the Blockchain Ecosystem on 1st June 2018.

June 2018


After the launch on June 1, the project will undergo continuous maintenance and development to address all IoT, Machine Learning and big data concerns.


D. Chancellor F. Nzenwa Founder and Chairman
Madeleine Winkler Company Secretary
Gerald Tissiere Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
Irina Yuhanyuk Marketing Manager
Dieter Frank Wipf Director of Business Development 

Important Links


Bitcointalk Profile Link :;u=1795848
Myetherwallet: 0x2e0aE95a7871c8A38A513981904410d07DD96231

SPRINTX platform for entrepreneurs and the development of new business ideas

Sprintx is a platform for entrepreneurs and the development of new business ideas, which will open the potential of the cryptocurrency market with the support of SwitchX as a multifunctional exchange with access to the debit card. Sprintx  MISSION  Build a Smart City that will work as a Tech-hub for Startup that allows the tools and financial entities needed to start their ICOs and convert their cryptocurrencies into fiat currency. VISION  Create self-sufficient communities using blockchain technology for business innovation to improve people's lives. How SprintX works  


Each of the components of the SprintX ecosystem is an independent entity that will work in a perpetual partnership to benefit each other and each will have specific objectives for the type of support offered at each start:
  • SprintX will manage ICO aspects for all startups and will analyze if the ICO is feasible and appropriate.
  • Fundación NOVA will take each Startup at NOVA Campus which is a Smart City designed specifically for the success of the business and technology to develop its business there.
  • SwitchX will be the banking arm behind our business and will manage the financial and regulatory aspects of our financing activities on a global scale.

    Helping startups succeed in developing countries and regions where economic growth and technological lifestyle improvements have not yet reached their full potential is the main purpose of Fundación NOVA. Each Startup incubated with the Fundación NOVA process has allowed us to develop our product or service with two main objectives:

    1. Encourage individuals and families in the  
    same  way  2. Maintain a profitable and innovative business model for the continuation of the company.

    This is a unique tool with which NOVA starts the Startup Selection process from the teams participating in the Start It Up challenge and is selected by a group of expert business minds looking for projects with the potential to become solutions for multiple aspects of people's lives through the use of 

    Nova Academy technology  will cultivate a great desire in people to learn more about technology (in particular blockchain technology) and that each person can get world-class education regarding the progress that is being developed. Through the Academy, people will be inspired to be responsible for solving social problems. 

    -Break The Seven
    This is a unique tool that NOVA uses to start the Startup Selection process from the teams participating in the Start It Up challenge and is selected by a group of entrepreneurial thinking experts who are looking for projects that can potentially be solutions for various aspects of lives of people. through the use of technology  

    -NOVA incubator
    Nova Academy will be a technology-oriented and innovative training program in the categories FinTech, Internet of Things (IoT), Applications, 3D Printing, Robotics and Technology Ed.  The goal is to educate all people use of technology and its applications. 

    -Campus NOVA
    Our joint efforts  will throw the basis for the construction of the first Smart City in the LATAM region, particularly in Central America, El Salvador. In the heart of a small town called Ahuachapan. It is a place full of commerce and economic growth, but still has original art and culture and has enormous potential to exploit. Our Smart City will bring the Startup initiative of choice and their team in one place. Where they can create products and services during the test and measure their success every time. 

    -NEW partnership with Sprintx
    The idea of ​​these Startup incubators has inspired us to seek partnerships with organizations that help Startup entrepreneurs and trainers so that we can also bring the many benefits that Blockchain and Intelligent Contract technologies enable their business ideas.
    About SwitchX

    SwitchX will be the first Exchange-oriented to adapt the blockchain functionality. It will be able to unite virtual and real worlds that bring blockchain technology closer to business needs and to new requests from cryptocurrency users. It is a sophisticated, safe and democratic environment. The SwitchX app allows you to store and use digital coins and use them at any time with our debit card.

    You will be able to use the blockchain functionality from the comfort of your mobile phone. It allows you to easily convert and spend your resources, both locally and abroad.

    SwitchX will have a debit card that can be used immediately in any store that uses digital currency or fiat as a form of payment, in this way, the user can transfer his funds in cryptocurrency to SwitchX and make payments with them without having to resort to another intermediary  

    Being able to use virtual debit cards is another way to connect the real world with the virtual world. Unlike other platforms that do not have this service, SwitchX will revolutionize the digital world as we know it. 


    PRE ICO: 186550000 SPTX will be on sale with a 30% bonus and will be available from March 19 to 10 April 2018.  

    ICO: 723450000 SPTX will be on sale at regular price and will be available from April 23 until June 23, 2018  

    is You can check the sales details of the ICO tokens on  the White Paperroadmap  

    For more information
    Website   | Whitepaper  | Twitter  | Facebook | Medium  | Bitcointalk  | Telegram   
  • Author: dhavid19 

Revenue Coin (RVC) - Funds high-tech companies to scale

  Introduction Revenue Coin is imaginative, extraordinary worldwide, and an important symbol of partnership with network customers with ...