Friday, 30 March 2018

TAKLIMAKAN network : інвестиційна платформа blockchain запускає попередню ico

Вельмишановне панство! І знову повертаємось до проекту: TAKLIMAKAN network. Офіційний веб-сайт проекту: 
30 листопада 2017 року, Сінгапур - Taklimakan Network- інвестиційна платформа blockchain, націлена на підключення новачків та експертів з криптовалюта - оголосила публічний запуск своєї передпродажної продажу 12 грудня 2017 року.

Платформа Taklimakan відображає особисті повідомлення в додатку, внутрішні платіжні системи, експертні судження і можливість коментувати та шукати трейдерів, інвесторів, менеджерів і аналітиків.
Платформа також пропонує широкий вибір можливостей для професіоналів, таких як пропозиції з управління довірчим управлінням, електронні розсилки електронної пошти та аналітичні огляди серед клієнтів.
Мережа Taklimakan дає користувачам можливість приймати персональні рішення на основі криптовалюта на основі торгових сигналів, стратегій, рекомендацій професійних трейдерів і прогнозів людей на основі прогнозування поведінки обмінного курсу та інших аналітичних думок, отриманих із середньої швидкості передачі даних. Збір відповідей всіх учасників.
Періодичний, аналітичний огляд ринків кріптоактівних активів і звітів по блоковим цілям, підготовленим досвідченими експертами, відправленими користувачам платформи. На основі цих оглядів користувачі можуть знайти найбільш вигідні і правильні інвестиційні рішення.
Крім того, платформа пропонує інвестиційний портфель, створений досвідченими менеджерами, які вибираються на основі рекомендацій платформи і опитувань користувачів. Будь-хто може внести свій вклад в довірче управління для цього портфеля з метою залучення капіталу.
Мережа Taklimakan також пропонує велику бібліотеку книг з відкритим вихідним кодом, статей та інших навчальних матеріалів, щоб допомогти новачкам зрозуміти технологію і експертів для подальшого вдосконалення своїх навичок.
«Ми раді випустити передові стратегії на кріптовом ринку. » - сказав Рашид Юсуп, керуючий партнер і співзасновник мережі Taklimakan. «Запускаючи такий інструмент торгівлі та освіти, ми створюємо сильне джерело зв'язку для початківців і експертів таким чином, щоб обидва були корисні в цьому партнерстві».
Попередній продаж починається 12 грудня 2017 року 10.00. Передпродажні інвестори отримають 50% знижку на куплені ними жетони. Основні продажі розпочнуться 20 січня 2018 року о 10:00.
Додаткова інформація про продажі токенов
Продажі токенов поділяються на передпродажні та загальнодоступні кампанії продажів. Вартість токена для попереднього продажу становить 30 000 TKLN за 1 ETH. У загальному обсязі продажів 1 ETH отримає 15 000 TKLN.
Під час попереднього продажу і ICO є три етапи, щоб отримати знижку на токен TKLN
Будь-який покупець, який інвестує 10 ETH або в початкові і загальні продажі, буде переведений в 1 млн. ТКЛ. Малювання для лотереї відбудеться після закриття загального продажу.
Переможець буде намальований з використанням механізму поза ланцюга, так як генератор випадкових чисел віртуальної машини Ethereum має свої обмеження.
Переможці лотереї будуть обрані випадковим чином з максимальною чесністю. Призовий платіж буде виконаний вручну з використанням смарт-контракту TKLN.

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☓  by hudozhnik:;u=1795848
☓  My ETH address:0x2e0aE95a7871c8A38A513981904410d07DD96231    

TAKLIMAKAN: The Cryptocurrency Blockchain Investment Platform

Trading is one of the qualities that makes a successful business. People who know the right thing at the right time are rewarded the most. Traders and investors work their life learning the tricks of the Business. Cryptocurrency has added another level to the investor's portfolio. The cryptocurrency market is more than 500 Billion dollars today, and investors cannot ignore the opportunity. The current situation is little difficult given the various kinds of problems in the domains of trading and cryptocurrency.
The market is new and volatile. Cryptocurrency is yet to find stability in the market, which may deter general users to participate in the investment process of cryptocurrency. A few of the problems related to the trading are mentioned below.
  • Volatile Market of cryptocurrency is making traders redundant since the market is unstable, professional traders are also finding it difficult to predict a short term or long term trajectory of the market.
  • New Industry of trading creates novice advisors, who fraud the money of the public without providing any asset management advice that is good.
  • Lack of research and analytics around the cryptocurrency market and information noise is creating problems of lost judgement and poor selection of the ICO
  • The rapid growth of ICO process has allowed many scammers to jump on the wagon of making easy money. It forces unique concepts and quality ICOs to the sidelines of the market.
  • The total lack of information or company report in the case of cryptocurrency companies which makes people sceptical of the investment in the cryptocurrency
The failure rate in the cryptocurrency market is high considering the above-mentioned problems. People need to be more careful about the ways and means they utilize to earn profits. While providing equal opportunity to everyone is one of the most important qualities of the platform. It must be designed to bring the integrated solution of a cryptocurrency trading.
Solution Offered
TAKLIMAKAN is bringing the perfect solution with its unique platform providing a wealth of trading tools to the investors. The platform aims to bring new and inexperienced investors and give them a chance to become professional trading experts. The insights and tips are provided by the experts, who have an understanding of the investment model and long-term trajectory of the market.
The unique platform is based on the latest technology of Blockchain. The platform has some of the amazing features and few of them are mentioned below.
  • Analytics: Free and Paid Reports about market trends depending on the type of publisher. And, a large pool of latest analytics tool for investors to help them in making better decisions in the investments.
  • Trading Signal and strategies: Short-Term Marketing Predictions along with a trading strategy to be utilised depending upon the market.
  • Asset and Fund Management: Customizable crypto asset management with multi-purpose functionality, such as digital wallet and Trading history
  • Internal Payment System: TKLN Token is central piece of value exchange on the Platform
  • Educational Materials: Educational Materials regarding crypto asset to be published by the experienced crypto users on the platform.
  • Crowd Predictions: utilising crowd wisdom to predict the future of cryptocurrency and ICO.
  • General Functionality: There are multiple general purpose features available on the platform, such as starter kits, communicational capability and different subscription plans.
TAKLIMAKAN has a diverse set of options and features which can be easily used by an amateur investor as well as an experienced investor. To facilitate a smooth experience on the Platform, they have designed perfect mobile and web versions of the TAKLIMAKAN.
ICO Information &Team
To allow people to participate in their mission of development of a super trading platform, they are conducting an ICO. The Pre-sale of tokens is currently live and ends on the 12th January 2018. The Main ICO starts on 20th January 2018 and continues until 20th February 2018. The token holders have multiple benefits on the platform.
TKLN is ERC-20 standard and a total 550,000,000 tokens will be issued for the ICO. 40% of the collected funds will be utilised for the software development while 30% will be utilised for the marketing expenses. The team of TAKLIMAKAN is brilliant in their Work which makes me think that they will definitely do a wonderful job. The Co-founder Yong Ming Hong is a Blockchain Evangelist having more than a decade experience in entrepreneurship and Technology.
Identifying the right opportunities, investing in the right companies, finding the best bets for the future, they form their decision. I, sometimes, think that pure quality of a trader is his intuition besides intellect, which helps in making him choose the best option in the market. TAKLIMAKAN is the solution for your total digital asset management, as well as, providing insightful research reports on the key development in the Cryptocurrency.
In the world where rapid development of the technology is taking place, TAKLIMAKAN has brought top technologies under a single platform to provide a comprehensive solution. In my view, their unique concept of utilizing crowd wisdom to predict cryptocurrency trends is one of the most innovative features of the platform. But, we are yet to see the development of the platform in the future.
For more information visit:
Published By: dhavid19
My Btalk Profile:;u=1795848

Frasindo Lima Mandiri:start up incubator

Today we will talk about the company "Frasindo Lima Mandiri", which is based in Indonesia. The company itself positions itself as an autonomous blockbuster and a start-up incubator (quite common now). Entering "FRASINDO FAMILY" you get full support for your project, starting with the advice on the implementation of your idea and ending with legal assistance in the commercialization of the idea. 
For most people in our country, this may seem innovative, but the first attempt to organize such a society appeared back in 1959 in Foggy Albion (UK). Batavia Industrial Center (the first start-up incubator in America) was founded in the purchased warehouse by Joseph Mancuso. And by 1985, there were more than 70 companies all over the planet engaged in the same, by 1992 there were about five hundred, and by 1995, more than a thousand incubators had joined the National Association of Business Incubators. 
Why does Frasindo position itself as an autonomous incubator? The fact is that the company has its own income independent of start-ups and block-earnings. The firm is the official partner of such giants as "Uber", "Grab", "Gocar", with representation in Indonesia. One of the main revenues of the company is the provision of an online taxi service. Another important line of profit - renting cars (affects the partnership with famous brands). The last, but not for profit earnings - it's hiring drivers. These are the main income items. There is also support for other corporations, and other articles of increasing welfare. 
For verification, the company can present asset certificates, which are managed by the firm "NXT" (headquartered in the Netherlands). The organization maintains a transparent policy. Access to links to legal documents can be obtained by contacting the website of the Government of Indonesia. Find the link you need in the "White Book" and in the "Resources" menu. If you do not trust the certificates, then physically visit the office and take advantage of the "Frasindo Assets" (quite rarely the company provides such services to investors). Even more transparency is given to the open accounting department, which can be monitored according to the laid out reports in "Google Drive", also "Resource references" are also provided. You can see what the company is doing at present - these are current research and the options for the development of a resource planned for the near future. 
The company plans to install web cameras with GPS beacons (broadcast in real time) in each office. This is done in order to force investors to participate in the development of the project. The end result of this program will be on-line broadcasting 24/7 of each corner of the office of this project. Investors see an income report on a daily basis. It is accompanied by a graph with the situation for the current and past months. The information is laid out on the "Google Drive", and the links you can get in the "White Book". The accounting file is updated daily, although the final layout is done weekly. 
Dividends are accrued after one month. Spending huge time on the calculations, we came to the conclusion that the monthly charges will be more practical. At the client's request, we can restrict access to the bank account (for example, once a month), but we try not to do this, because due to attempts to enter a restricted account, an account is sometimes blocked. And recovery is a rather complicated and time-consuming operation. 
A separate service with a large staff for customer service is not yet available, but all who belong to the "FRASINDO FAMILY" (all owners of Frasindo Asset) can contact the representative of "Charge Team". If you find it difficult to physically connect with the team, there is an opportunity to make video, audio calls. As an experiment, the general director of the company laid out his contacts for communication with potential clients of the company. 
Gene. Director - Sandy Budiman S. 
Whatsapp - +62 (817) 015-51-51, +62 (858) 685-13-74. 
Skype - sam2salim. 
Line-ID - sam2salim. 
Time zone in Indonesia (GMT + 7). 
And as a cherry on the cake, the company invites all investors to a free leisure tour with a tour of the company. You will be met at the airport, taken to the hotel (accommodation and road at the expense of the company), guided and returned to the airport.  
To implement the project, the Frasindo team conducts the ICO, which will start on January 15 and last until April 15, 2018.  
Round 1 is open for 4 days, gets 20% BONUS = additional coin Profit Share at 78.00% 
Round 2 is open 5days, gets 18% BONUS = additional profit from coins Share in 76.70% 
Round 3 is open for 6 days, get 15% BONUS = additional coin Profit Share 74.75% 
Round 4 open 7 days, get 10% BONUS = extra coins Profit Share at 71.50% 
Round 5 open 10 days, get 7% BONUS = additional profit from coins Share in 69.55% 
Round # 6 open 13days, get 5% BONUS = extra Coin Profit Share 68.25% 
Round # 7 is open 15 days, receives 0% BONUS = extra Coin Profit Percentage at 65.00% 
More detailed study of the project and get acquainted with the team you can on the official site will also be useful to study the technical document and visit the forum bitcointalk all the necessary links you will find below. And I have this, all for now. 
Official website: 
Author: dhavid19
My Bitcointalk profile:;u=1795848

Car rental company offering safety, security and freedom: FRASINDO

FRAS COIN is an abbreviation of "Frasindo Rent", it’s a self-sufficient Blockchain & an incubator that provides assistance in growth of start-ups. The chief company possesses a plus point that it is a completely operational company which rents cars and additionally Online Taxi provider. Government certified Frasindo to be legitimate partner of GRAB, GOCAR & UBER within Indonesia. Other than online taxi Frasindo also provides cars to the corporate on rent. It aids its users in earning passive income throughout their lifespan. Income is garnered via multiple zones such as car rental, hiring of drivers and online taxi. Frasindo is entirely compliant to regulations of government and its current development is only an initial step towards extension of company moreover it is the sole approach on establishment of IT business without consuming funds provided by community. Benefits could be reaped by community without being the part of pump and dump. Frasindo aims to create safe company for Blockchain community which is fueled by real assets and provides transparency 24/7.

Frasindo’s team members include Alpago Turan, Dave Pearce, Travin Keith, Ali Omer, its cofounders are Lidya Fransisca, Yohanes Joko, Sandy Budiman and Vita Virginia, Indra Gunanda serves as back-end developer, Dian Salma Novitasari works as front-end developer, Gokce Guler has the role of bounty manager, IT lead is Erik Sugih Hartono, Julias Asnawi Putra & Sofyan are operational team members whereas Kamaludin Akbar is positioned as Android Developer in the team.
There are certain advantages of Frasindo it employs cameras and GPS to offer live surveillance that can be observed 24/7 this aids to secure assets as well as the company. Frasindo is powered by real assets & assets certification escrowed to it by NXT foundation. As an established company Frasindo is devoted to completion of roadmaps and encourages ideas presented by members. Frasindo presents its users with lifelong advantages like tour guide free of cost, free usage of car and also involving drivers. Frasindo is authorized & managed by Government and it has also been incorporated into Transportation masterplan of 2020. Information about Frasindo is completely accessible and it can even be accessed with great ease on mobile phone. Perks offered by Frasindo also include using car for free along with provided driver so taking family on business-vacation becomes a lot easier, coin giveaway of 10% from all company projects plus advantages in the form of free coin represent it. Safety from pump & dump by allowing around 37.96% coin dividend. Minimum development of company up to 8.88% which ensures making profit even during tough times.
Those individuals who are interested in becoming online taxi driver but don’t own their own personal car can rent car for either short or long term provided with finest offer from Frasindo Rent. People who want to grab the opportunity of earning extra money should join Frasindo Rent. Passengers as well as drivers are attracted towards this online taxi platform as it offers safety, reasonable price and ride full of comfort to passengers and drivers have chance to earn from every ride. Top level ease & security are offered to drivers at Frasindo Rent.
FRAS is native token released by Frasindo. The crowdsale commenced on 15th February 2018 and it will come to end on 15th April 2018. Bonuses will be offered during different rounds. During 1st round 20% bonus will be offered, 18% bonus would be given during 2nd round, 15% bonus will be provided during 3rd round, 10% bonus will be provided during 4th round, 7% bonus will be provided during 5th round, 5% bonus will be provided during 6th round and during the course of 7th round 0% bonus will be offered.
Author :dhavid19
Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1795848

Karma - review

Creating a new community network is indeed a huge challenge. Of course it will be very difficult once the difficulties will be faced because it also can not deny some organizations around the world are also competing to create a new community. There is already a well-established community network with their legac community network, for example the community network and using old technology systems and those that still do not use blockchain technology. Along with tantagan community that also often have a disruption due to incompatible technologies from vendors, versions, protocols, age, interface and so forth. Of the many flaws that appear on the network system of the organization then it is necessary to in the idea of ​​a new organization network using blockchain technology which is the latest technology and most sophisticated today.

To address these challenges, international karma responded by creating a new organization network using blockchain technology. With this concept, karma is a new and only network of organizations using the first decentralized blockchain technology.

International Karma was established in 2015 with a mini to connect greatly between individuals and inspirational socially and professionally. With karma also each individual who is incorporated can have various events with very high performance, can conduct business meetings, social gatherings, and also can make an international visit.

Karma Technology
By carrying out the blockchain decentralized technology, karma uses ethereum as their primary layer. By using ethereum will certainly be able to apply the features of very much and also the rules of the KIT protocol by using smart contract which will be in use and processed by the entire karmic network.By using blockchain will also be able to minimize the possibility of attacks on the protocol. Applications that have been connected with ethereum can be deployed to many public or private networks.

Token Karma
Karma has targeted their token sales. And from the sales of the token as much as 40% will be allocated for marketing and PR, then about 40% has been allocated for research as well as for the development of the platform used karma. And for the rest will be allocated as a company operation as well as for future karma expansion.

Token structure
Karma uses blockchain and mengaisilkan token ERC223 which the token is the successor of the token ERC20. Karen tokens give with KIT symbol .
Karma has supplied a token of 1,000,000,000 KIT which is priced at 1 KIT worth $ 0.0706 with a token sales target of $ 25,000,000

Bonus Token
Karma also provides discounts for those who follow presale. For details can be seen below.
Pre TGE   ⇒  50%
Day 1  ⇒  25%
Day 2  ⇒  22%
Day 3  ⇒  20%
Day 4  ⇒  17%
Day 5  ⇒  15%
Day 6  ⇒  10%
Day 7  ⇒  8%
Day 8  ⇒  5%
Day to 9  ⇒  3%
Day to 10 ⇒  0%

That's a bit of information about the network project of karmic organization. Maybe a little of that information can provide useful insights for you. And if you still feel less with the information that has been reviewed above, you can see more information from their official website and some links that have been summarized below.

by. dhavid19
bitcointalk profile:;u=1795848
ETH Address: 0x2e0aE95a7871c8A38A513981904410d07DD96231

Karma - the world's first smart decentralized social network

  Karma, founded in 2005, had an original mission - to unite exceptional and inspiring people both socially and professionally through a variety of spectacular events, top-level meetings, business meetings and international excursions.
  Karma aims to create a society of global proportions with a high level of trust. The last condition is provided by the block-platform on which the resource exists. To achieve its goal, the Karma server solves the following tasks.  
  1. Creates significant prerequisites for business development based on the fact that up to 90% of employment in the labor market is created by medium and small businesses. At the same time, banks are reluctant to give start-up capital for business to small businesses. Karma aims to make the issue of capital available to small companies.  
  2. Allows you to distribute resources evenly. It's no secret that in some countries loans are given at an interest rate of 1%, and in others already at 20% per annum. Karma normalizes this imbalance, allowing one to use cheaper money, while others - to make greater profits. Holders of the token receive primary access to the most profitable applications for obtaining a loan and data on the most affordable money. Obvious becomes the issue of profit. In the event that several holders of tokens will want to take an interesting request, the participant with the largest number of tokens receives the application.
  3. Karma is an ecosystem and creates the conditions for direct exchange of resources without intermediaries.     
  On November 21, the sale of PRE-TOKEN will be completed. The platform has 65,000 users. The budget of the platform is 32,000,000 dollars.     
  The platform has its own TGE crypto currency. The price for 1 TGE token is $ 0.706. This crypto currency can be purchased with the help of all the crypto-currencies accepted through Changelly, as well as BTC, ETH and EOS.  
  To distribute tokens after system startup is planned as follows: 
- 42.5% will be sent for sale;  
  - 22.5% for the development of the platform; 
- 7.5% to maintain the operating status of the platform in terms of security; 
- 20% for payments to team members;
- 7.5% incentive for the Customer to make a decision (50% of the team, 50% reward to the initiator).  
  Given the era of decentralization, the new mission of Karma is to provide the Karma Protocol and the International Karma Marker (KIT) to empower communities based on membership around the world, including:     
  • communities (for example, countries or golf clubs); 
  • virtual affiliated organizations (for example, heads of university graduates); 
  • Non-profit organizations that lack the operational backbone (CRM, ERP, Analytics, etc.).   
  The main distinguishing feature of Karma is that the token instantly enters the sale on the exchange when it is created. Token holders are able to play a wide range of roles in the ecosystem and generate revenue in any part of the process: scoring, transfer of resources, attraction of investors and borrowers, insurance, transfer of resources, collection.    
  Thus, Karma is a non-profit platform that creates opportunities for earning.    

Revenue Coin (RVC) - Funds high-tech companies to scale

  Introduction Revenue Coin is imaginative, extraordinary worldwide, and an important symbol of partnership with network customers with ...